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Aug 14, 2017

Where there’s water, there’s probably life—just ask these robots

Posted by in category: robotics/AI Via CNN Tech.

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Aug 14, 2017

These five robots do some very dirty jobs so humans don’t have to

Posted by in categories: employment, robotics/AI

Bots are now tackling tricky and dangerous jobs to help the environment, from clearing invasive species to fighting wildfires.

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Aug 14, 2017

SpaceX landed another rocket on target after launching supplies to the Space Station — watch live footage of the perfect landing

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, space travel

(SpaceX) SpaceX launched 6,400 pounds of supplies to the International Space Station on Monday afternoon, and the roughly 100,000 people watching the live video online got to experience a rare shot of the reusable portion of the rocket sticking its landing in real time.

It was SpaceX’s 40th Falcon 9 mission and 11th rocket launch this year.

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Aug 14, 2017

Husband of China’s first cryogenics subject keeps his love and hope frozen in time

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

You never hear much about cryogenics outside of the US.

Bereaved partner believes science will one day find a cure for the cancer that took his wife, and return her to him.

PUBLISHED : Monday, 14 August, 2017, 8:31pm.

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Aug 14, 2017

Scientists rejuvenate old hearts

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

In the study, 22-month-old rats — who were considered old — received stem cells from four-month-old rats.

Across the board, all of them experienced improved heart function, improved their exercise capacity by an average of 20 percent, and regrew hair faster than rats that didn’t receive the cells.

They also demonstrated longer heart cell telomeres.

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Aug 14, 2017

Congratulations to the AgeMeter campaign ( for blasting past the half way mark to 55%, and also congratulations to you all for helping fund this important biomarker system, supported by Drs. George Church, Aubrey de Grey, and David Sinclair

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Let’s keep up the momentum and continue to show the world what power the crowd can have in standing up to age-related disease. # LifespanIO # CrowdfundTheCure.

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Aug 14, 2017

Zygote Review

Posted by in category: entertainment

Free to watch, but without a doubt it would STILL be worth it if you actually DID have to pay for it!

District 9 director Neill Blomkamp’s new horror/sci-fi short film is masterfully made.

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Aug 14, 2017

Could the end of tooth decay be in sight?

Posted by in category: life extension

One of the more important things we can do for longevity is keeping our teeth clean and keeping decay at bay. It might sound strange at first, but it is true. The harm that bacteria causes, especially in the gums, can spread to other tissues and increase inflammation throughout the body.

Some studies show a strong correlation between harmful oral bacteria and mortality rates later in life[1]. The mouth is an easy point of entry for harmful bacteria to invade the body, so it makes sense that maintaining oral hygiene should be an essential part of your health and longevity strategy.

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Aug 14, 2017

This Economic Model Organized Asia for Decades. Now It’s Broken

Posted by in categories: economics, employment, food, robotics/AI, sustainability

Pan’s company is at the vanguard of a trend that could have devastating consequences for Asia’s poorest nations. Low-cost manufacturing of clothes, shoes, and the like was the first rung on the economic ladder that Japan, South Korea, China, and other countries used to climb out of poverty after World War II. For decades that process followed a familiar pattern: As the economies of the early movers shifted into more sophisticated industries such as electronics, poorer countries took their place in textiles, offering the cheap labor that low-tech factories traditionally required. Manufacturers got inexpensive goods to ship to Walmarts and Tescos around the world, and poor countries were able to provide mass industrial employment for the first time, giving citizens an alternative to toiling on farms.

Automation threatens to block the ascent of Asia’s poor. Civil unrest could follow.

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Aug 13, 2017

DeLorean (Aerospace) Is Making a Flying Car That Really Won’t Need Roads

Posted by in category: transportation

Paul DeLorean’s DR-7 VTOL aircraft is the latest entry in an increasingly crowded field.

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