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Personal gadgets known as “hearables,” which communicate with the neural signals passing through our ears in order to monitor and interact with our brains, are on their way.

Hearables could help us focus on specific conversations, like smart hearing aids, or monitor our brain activity to treat tinnitus. That’s according to Poppy Crum, the Stanford University neuroscientist and chief scientist at Dolby Laboratories who coined the term, who recently wrote about the concept in IEEE Spectrum.

The emerging tech stands to blur the lines between artificial and biological intelligence, Crum argues — augmenting our thought processes and collaborating with our brains.

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Right now Chandra is gazing at a galaxies in Hydra! Nearby in the sky is spiral galaxy ESO 510-G13. The warped appearance of this galaxy suggests it has recently undergone a collision with another galaxy and is in the process of consuming it — a process that will take millions of years!

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The behavior of these Technological Corporations are outside of our societal norms. This behavior lacks a level of enlightenment and freedom. Which as Transhumanists we should be against.

On May 2nd, the village idiots at Facebook made a decision to ban speech. Mainly, the decision was to ban the conservative voices of Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Laura Loomer. This ban also impacted Louis Farrakhan, how he got lumped into this group is kind of funny, Facebook must have wanted to add a brown face to the white people who got banned. Thinking that this would be ok, because it is not just, white conservatives.

What I find is the biggest joke of this, is that the label that Facebook used was “Extremist” and “Dangerous” for these individuals and the groups that they represent. Which is not based on facts or proof, because I doubt if any of these individuals have a felony conviction.

The truth of the matter, this is a case of speech that should not be protected. Which is not Facebook’s job or any other groups job to control in the United States. People have a right to speak and have a right to their own points of view, without the fear of discrimination.

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As he sits stroking his Rip Van Winkle-worthy beard, it’s easy to see how de Grey’s achieved this “kind of a spiritual leader-status,” as he calls it. He dives easily into intricate explanations of two research projects unfolding in the lab down the hall, eagerly describing how one studies mitochondrial mutations, which are thought to cause an increase in oxidative stress. The other looks at atherosclerosis, the narrowing and hardening of artery walls. If we understood more about this buildup, the logic goes, we could better clean it up before too much damage is done.

Though he attends lab meetings and oversees the SENS’s research, his primary task is convincing the general public that death is, in fact, bad and that we should be doing everything we can to stop it. This focus on messaging suits him just fine. “I’m not in this to do science for the sake of doing science,” he says. “I’m in it for the ultimate goal.” He does a “ridiculous” amount of media, he says, and gives around 50 talks a year, from Vietnam to the Czech Republic.

Back in April, at a San Francisco blockchain conference called Block 2 the Future, de Grey began his talk with a disclaimer: “I probably ought to start by emphasizing that I don’t know fuck-all about cryptocurrencies. I am really only here because I have apparently quite a significant fan base in this community, and I am delighted that I do.”

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