…our techniques may enable quantum enhanced AIs to learn the effect of their actions much more efficiently.
It’s Time To Rock And Roll
Posted in futurism
As Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang has stated, “Software ate the world, but AI is going to eat software.” Extrapolating this statement to a more immediate implication, AI will first eat healthcare, resulting in dramatic acceleration of longevity research and an amplification of the human healthspan.
Next week, I’ll continue to explore this concept of AI systems in healthcare.
Commander (ret) Dr. Luis Alvarez, Director of Organ Manufacturing, United Therapeutics, and Co-Founder of GDF11 Harvard spin-out Elevian and MIT spin-out Theradaptive — ideaXme Show — Ira Pastor
Posted in aging, bioengineering, biotech/medical, business, defense, DNA, health, life extension, military, science
May is almost over, so it’s time to check in with the Ending Age-Released Diseases conference and see how things are developing with the event.
If you’re unfamiliar with us, we’re hosting our second annual conference at the Cooper Union in New York City on July 11-12th this year. It will feature some of the leading names in both aging research and biotech business and investment coming together to share their knowledge and insights with the audience.
Aging research is on the cusp of some major breakthroughs in the battle against age-related diseases, and we invite you to join us for an action-packed event filled with exciting talks and discussion panels featuring some of the leaders of aging research and the biotech business.
Nearly 50 years ago, The New York Times—widely considered America’s paper of record—changed the media industry by creating the first modern Op-Ed page. Since then, their Opinion section has arguably become the most important voice for many public ideas that enter and change the world. Everyone from Heads of State to the globe’s most powerful business people to Nobel Prize winners to everyday citizens have written there when they had something essential to say about the times we live in. I’m super excited to share my first Op-Ed for The New York Times on #biohacking and the growing concern of legalizing implants. It’s a happy professional day for me, and an important step forward for the growing #transhumanism movement as we begin to enter mainstream culture.
Implant technology can change the world — unless politicians give in to the hysteria against it.
DARPA has awarded funding to six organizations to support the Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N) program, first announced in March 2018. Battelle Memorial Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Rice University, and Teledyne Scientific are leading multidisciplinary teams to develop high-resolution, bidirectional brain-machine interfaces for use by able-bodied service members. These wearable interfaces could ultimately enable diverse national security applications such as control of active cyber defense systems and swarms of unmanned aerial vehicles, or teaming with computer systems to multitask during complex missions.
“DARPA is preparing for a future in which a combination of unmanned systems, artificial intelligence, and cyber operations may cause conflicts to play out on timelines that are too short for humans to effectively manage with current technology alone,” said Al Emondi, the N program manager. “By creating a more accessible brain-machine interface that doesn’t require surgery to use, DARPA could deliver tools that allow mission commanders to remain meaningfully involved in dynamic operations that unfold at rapid speed.”
Over the past 18 years, DARPA has demonstrated increasingly sophisticated neurotechnologies that rely on surgically implanted electrodes to interface with the central or peripheral nervous systems. The agency has demonstrated achievements such as neural control of prosthetic limbs and restoration of the sense of touch to the users of those limbs, relief of otherwise intractable neuropsychiatric illnesses such as depression, and improvement of memory formation and recall. Due to the inherent risks of surgery, these technologies have so far been limited to use by volunteers with clinical need.
A research team has developed a light beam device that could lead to faster internet, clearer images of space and more detailed medical imaging.
University of Queensland researcher and optical engineer Dr. Joel Carpenter worked with Nokia Bell Labs to build the device to tackle the challenge of splitting light into the shapes it is made up of, known as modes.
“Splitting a beam of light into colours is easy because nature gives you that one for free—think of rainbows or when light shines through glass at an angle,” Dr. Carpenter said.
- A neutron star merger without an observed gamma-ray burst has been discovered using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory.
- This result gives astronomers another way to track down neutron star mergers as well new information about their interiors.
- This source, called XT2, is located in the Chandra Deep Field-South, the deepest X-ray image ever obtained.
- By studying how XT2 changed in X-ray brightness, astronomers were able to identify it as two neutron stars that merged into a larger one.
These images show the location of an event, discovered by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, that likely signals the merger of two neutron stars. A bright burst of X-rays in this source, dubbed XT2, could give astronomers fresh insight into how neutron stars — dense stellar objects packed mainly with neutrons — are built.
XT2 is located in a galaxy about 6.6 billion light years from Earth. The source is located in the Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S), a small patch of sky in the Fornax constellation. The CDF-S is the deepest X-ray image ever taken, containing almost 12 weeks of Chandra observing time. The wider field of view shows an optical image from the Hubble Space Telescope of a portion of the CDF-S field, while the inset shows a Chandra image focusing only on XT2. The location of XT2, which was not detected in optical images, is shown by the rectangle, and its host galaxy is the small, oval-shaped object located slightly to the upper left.