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Ira Pastor, ideaXme longevity and aging ambassador and founder of Bioquark interviews Luba Greenwood J.D., Strategic Business Development and Corporate Ventures, Verily (Google Life Sciences), Board Member Mass Bio and Brooklyn ImmunoTherapeutics LLC.

Note: Following this interview, Verily announced a major set of collaborations with big pharma companies, further executing on its strategy in healthcare. Breaking news:…T4eLzIucEI

Ira Pastor comments:

In 2019 we have surpassed $7 trillion in total annual healthcare expenditures around the globe. As part of that $7 trillion, we’re now spending close to a $1 trillion a year on pharmaceutical products, $350 billion on medical devices, $200 billion on new Life Sciences R&D. Equally fascinating to note are the names of organizations becoming involved in this space in 2019.

Brain implants are the neural implants that directly connected to the brain. These implants electrically stimulate, block or record the signals from the brain. It enables communication between the brain and electronic devices, thus permitting brain activity to be modified, recorded or translated. This growth is primarily driven by Increased Neurological Disorders Like Alzheimer’s disease and Rise in Geriatric Population.

Advance Market Analytics recently introduced Brain Implants Market study with in-depth overview, describing about the Product / Industry Scope and elaborates market outlook and status to 2025. Brain Implants Market explores effective study on varied sections of Industry like opportunities, size, growth, technology, demand and trend of high leading players. It also provides market key statistics on the status of manufacturers, a valuable source of guidance, direction for companies and individuals interested in the industry.

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Hosted by Dr. Oliver Medvedik, the May edition of Journal Club will focus on the recent publication by the Spiegel Lab at Yale University where two forms of advanced glycation end products were successfully cleaved. We already discussed this important breakthrough in our article – Reversal of Two Advanced Glycation End Products Achieved. Now we will be taking a deeper look at the data during the journal club.

Link to Paper:…201900158

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Alongside our Ending Age-related Diseases 2019 annual conference, we are proud to announce the launch of a special pre-conference biotech workshop led by Dr. Kelsey Moody, CEO of Ichor Therapeutics, a successful and rapidly growing rejuvenation biotechnology company.

This joint event between the Life Extension Advocacy Foundation and Ichor Therapeutics is an essential workshop where you will learn about the fundamentals of launching and growing a successful biotechnology company with an emphasis on the nuances specific to the emerging rejuvenation biotechnology industry.

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An intriguing new study from researchers at Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet has described a mechanism by which virus particles can interact with proteins in biological fluids and become more infectious, while also accelerating the formation of plaques often associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

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