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Apr 9, 2018

Alzheimer’s gene neutralised in human brain cells for the first time

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

S cientists have claimed an important breakthrough in the battle against Alzheimer’s after neutralising the most significant gene responsible for the disease for the first time.

A team in California successfully identified the protein associated with the high-risk apoE4 gene and then manage to prevent it damaging human neuron cells.

The study could open the door to a potential new drug capable of halting the disease, however the researchers have urged caution because so far their compound has only been tried on collections of cells in a laboratory.

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Apr 9, 2018

The U.S. government’s ‘high tech Holy Grail’

Posted by in categories: computing, government, internet

Investors are sounding the alarm after a little-known U.S. government agency green lit what could be the next trillion-dollar technology.

This tight-lipped agency, known as DARPA, has a history of developing some of the most transformative technologies known to man. But what many don’t realize is that it can PAY to follow DARPA’s biggest projects.

In fact, one DARPA-funded venture was a computer network designed to provide interconnectivity among users – we now call this network the internet.

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Apr 9, 2018

Elon Musk shows off SpaceX BFR spaceship tool (and it’s huge)

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, space travel

SpaceX’s CEO feeds the hype for a new rocket with a photo showing a gigantic tool that will be used as a mold to create the spaceship’s body.

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Apr 9, 2018

Here’s What Will Happen After a Huge Earthquake Inevitably Hits California

Posted by in category: futurism

Nobody knows when “The Big One” is going to hit California, but here’s how experts think it will play out when it does.

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Apr 9, 2018

Military-Funded Study Successfully Tests ‘Prosthetic Memory’ Brain Implants

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, military, neuroscience

Scientists tested a brain implant that replicates short-term recall in patients with memory loss. It may have actually worked.

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Apr 9, 2018

2018: Meteor Showers

Posted by in category: futurism

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Apr 9, 2018

Clinical Trial Shows Promising Results for Age-related Macular Degeneration

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Researchers at the USC Roski Eye Institute, in collaboration with other institutions in California, have shown that a new stem cell-based retinal implant could help people with dry age-related macular degeneration.

The researchers have published the results of their phase 1/2a study in the journal Science Translational Medicine [1].

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Apr 9, 2018

Skytran magnetic levitation personal pod transportation gets $32.5 million in funding

Posted by in categories: computing, transportation

Pod transportation company, Skytran, has received $32.5 million in funding. Skytran is a NASA Space Act company that is developing a pod-based personal rapid transportation system.

Some of the funding is from former CEO of Google Eric Schmidt.

They will have a network of computer-controlled, 2-person jet-like vehicles using SkyTran magnetic levitation technology.

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Apr 9, 2018

Cost efficient ET3 Vacuum tube trains will be better than Hyperloop, cars, trains and planes

Posted by in category: transportation

Closing the infrastructure gap before the year 2050 by strengthening existing infrastructure with ET3 is entirely feasible and it can be achieved in three coordinated phases:

1) bringing ET3 to maturity, including full-scale commercial deployment (2−5 years); 2) expanding ET3 networks around the globe at national levels (30 years); 3) connecting national ET3 networks into the international network (15 years) and creating one city called Earth.

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Apr 9, 2018

Science Is Getting Closer to Understanding What Goes on Inside The Mind When We Dream

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, science

Dreams are so strange and carry so much significance to us that we often feel the need to tell people about our nocturnal adventures, sometimes at tedious length.

But if you understand what goes on inside the brain as dreams take their course, they start to make a lot more sense. And dreams are much more important than you might think.

Here are some common questions answered about the nighttime hallucinations we call dreams.

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