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At the Battery Show North America 2019, AKASOL will present a wide portfolio of new solutions to the battery community. The company’s flagship product is the new high-energy lithium-ion battery AKASystemAKM CYC, which has entered serial development for the battery module and system.


The AKAModule CYC achieves energy density of 221 Wh/kg with liquid-cooled battery modules that are scalable and can be integrated in various system designs at the pack level.

Aristo has passed an American eighth grade science test. If you are told Aristo is an earnest kid who loves to read all he can about Faraday and plays the drums you will say so what, big deal.

Aristo, though, is an program and scientists would like the world to know this is a big deal, as “a benchmark in AI development,” as Melissa Locker called it in Fast Company.

We mean, just think about it. Cade Metz, in The New York Times, has thought about it. “Four years ago, more than 700 computer scientists competed in a contest to build artificial intelligence that could pass an eighth-grade science test. There was $80,000 in prize money on the line. They all flunked. Even the most sophisticated system couldn’t do better than 60% on the test. AI couldn’t match the language and logic skills that students are expected to have when they enter .”

The blockchain is public, yet a Bitcoin wallet can be created anonymously. So are Bitcoin transactions anonymous? Not at all…

Each transaction into and out of a wallet is a bread crumb. Following the trail is trivial. Every day, an army of armchair sleuths help the FBI. That’s how Silk Road was brought down.

The problem is that some of that money eventually interacts with the real world (a dentist is paid, a package shipped or a candy is purchased at a gas station). Even if the real-world transaction is 4 hops before or after hitting the “anonymous” wallet, it creates a forensic focal point. Next comes a tax man, an ex-spouse or a goon.

The first article linked below addresses the state of tumblers (aka “mixers”). They anonymize an open network by obfuscating the trail of bread crumbs.

Researchers around the world are constantly looking for ways to enhance or transcend the capabilities of electronic devices, which seem to be reaching their theoretical limits. Undoubtedly, one of the most important advantages of electronic technology is its speed, which, albeit high, can still be surpassed by orders of magnitude through other approaches that are not yet commercially available.

A possible way of surpassing traditional electronics is through the use of (AFM) materials. The electrons of AFM materials spontaneously align themselves in such a way that the overall magnetization of the material is practically zero. In fact, the order of an AFM material can be quantified in what is known as the ‘order parameter.’ Recent studies have even shown that the AFM order parameter can be ‘switched’ (that is, changed from one known value to another, really fast) using light or , which means that AFM materials could become the building blocks of future electronic devices.

However, the dynamics of the order-switching process are not understood because it is very difficult to measure the changes in the AFM order parameter in real time with high resolution. Current approaches rely on measuring only certain phenomena during AFM order switching and trying to obtain the full picture from there, which has proven to be unreliable for understanding other more intricate phenomena in detail. Therefore, a research team lead by Prof. Takuya Satoh from Tokyo Tech and researchers from ETH Zurich, developed a method for thoroughly measuring the changes in the AFM order of an YMnO3 crystal induced through optical excitation (that is, using a laser).

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) — A convolutional neural network trained through deep learning can accurately predict a person’s age and gender using only standard 12-lead ECG signals, researchers report.

“Our standard diagnostic tools may have far more information behind them than we’ve come to expect throughout standard approaches to diagnostic interpretation,” said Dr. Suraj Kapa from Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, in Rochester, Minnesota.

“Between this study and other prior studies showing that we can predict likelihood of having atrial fibrillation from a normal sinus ECG or the presence of a low ejection fraction, AI-enabled ECG analysis may offer new, rapid, and cost-effective insights into human health well beyond what we could have anticipated in the last two centuries since the ECG was first developed,” he told Reuters Health by email.


Hot on the heels of the ground-breaking ‘Sum-Of-Three-Cubes’ solution for the number 33, a team led by the University of Bristol and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has solved the final piece of the famous 65-year-old maths puzzle with an answer for the most elusive number of all—42.

The original problem, set in 1954 at the University of Cambridge, looked for Solutions of the Diophantine Equation x3+y3+z3, with k being all the numbers from one to 100.

Beyond the easily found small solutions, the problem soon became intractable as the more interesting answers—if indeed they existed—could not possibly be calculated, so vast were the numbers required.

Our team is committed to making quantum sciences more approachable by investing heavily in the education to support this growing community and establishing the emerging technology as the next generation of computing. We need more students, educators, developers, and domain experts with “quantum ready” skills. This is why our team is proud to release educational resources and tools, while also increasing the capacity and capability of our IBM Q systems.

Learn Quantum Computing Using Qiskit - textbook title
We are rolling out new systems and a new feature that allows for reserving time on an IBM Q system through the IBM Q Experience. This will initially be available to members of the IBM Q Network. Members will be able to reserve blocks of uninterrupted time for their users to experiment and test ideas using our advanced systems and software. Moreover, educators and academic members can take advantage of scheduling time to dynamically demonstrate quantum computing concepts on our hardware in the classroom. All the while, students can use the IBM Q Experience to follow along directly from a web browser without any additional installation required.

We published an open-source online textbook, called Learn Quantum Computation Using Qiskit, as a tool for self-learners and educators preparing the next generation of quantum developers. Written by experienced educators and leading researchers in the field, this textbook explores quantum computing through practical problems that are run on both simulators and real quantum hardware, with the aim of helping students connect theory to practice. And most importantly, because this textbook is open-source, the field’s top educators and contributors will continually update this text to ensure that students learn the latest and most-relevant quantum computing skills. The textbook also includes problem sets that can be included in coursework. Professors interested in the solutions to these problem sets should contact me – Abraham Asfaw. Additional information about the structure of the textbook can be found here.