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When Elon Musk and the team at Tesla unveiled the Tesla Roadster 2.0, a new stake was pounded into the tarmac, cementing the new Roadster and electric cars as the performance kings in nearly every meaningful category. It puts supercars to shame and at a fraction of the price.

With such a high bar being set at such a low price point, a no holds barred electric supercar seemed to be the only thing that could possibly top the high marks set by the new Tesla Roadster. Travel with me over to unlikely Sveta Nedelja, Croatia, where Mate Rimac and his motley crew of twisted engineering geniuses at Rimac Automobili assemble battery powered beasts that shake the boots off even the most seasoned track driver.

A 30 million euro round of fundraising last year from Asia’s largest battery manufacturer, Camel Group Ltd laid the foundation for Rimac’s new Concept_Two and now, finally, the beast is loose with full specs and a photo shoot to get fans drooling.

Microsoft’s patent filing recently made public has juiced up curiosity over what Microsoft might debut sooner or later as its own version of a folding computing device.

MSPoweruser took the view that “Microsoft is trying hard to bring its first foldable to the market, like every other big tech companies.” It’s apparent now that “the Redmond giant has filed yet another for its much-awaited foldable Windows 10 device.”

The patent “Multi-Sided Electromagnetic Coil Access Assembly” was filed in February last year but only recently made public. It is particularly drawing interest because, as TechRadar said, what would make this foldable idea work would be “a multi-sided electromagnetic coil for wireless charging.”

Researchers have designed a machine learning algorithm that predicts the outcome of chemical reactions with much higher accuracy than trained chemists and suggests ways to make complex molecules, removing a significant hurdle in drug discovery.

University of Cambridge researchers have shown that an algorithm can predict the outcomes of complex reactions with over 90% accuracy, outperforming trained chemists. The algorithm also shows chemists how to make target compounds, providing the chemical “map” to the desired destination. The results are reported in two studies in the journals ACS Central Science and Chemical Communications.

A central challenge in drug discovery and materials science is finding ways to make complicated organic molecules by chemically joining together simpler building blocks. The problem is that those building blocks often react in unexpected ways.

Quantum many-body systems (QMBs), which are physical systems made up of multiple interacting particles, are among the most challenging structures to reproduce in numerical simulations. In the past, researchers have attempted to simulate these systems using a variety of techniques, including Monte Carlo simulations and even exact diagonalizations.

Methods involving networks (TNs), mathematical concepts that can be applied in a variety of scientific fields, have also shown some potential for the simulation of QMBs. However, so far, these techniques have only been successfully applied to small systems or those with a simple geometry.

In a recent study, researchers at the University of Central Florida were able to simulate QMBs on Amazon Web Services using a TN-based method. Their paper, pre-published on arXiv, highlights some of the potential advantages and implications of using for research purposes.

Yesterday, the TRIIM study was described in science news headlines around the world, though, through a glitch, the original research paper is not yet on the Aging Cell web site. (You saw it first here.) I refer you to the writeup in Nature’s News section for a full summary of the paper, and in this column I will add my personal framing, and what I know about the study from private connection to its authors and one of the subjects. The big news is setback of the epigenetic clock, by several methylation measures. Instead of getting a year older during the trial, nine subjects got a year younger, on average, based on the version of the Horvath methylation clock that best predicts lifespan. The study had been originally designed to regrow the thymus. (Loss of thymus function has been linked to the collapse of the immune system that occurs typically before age 70.) Imaging showed that the functional part of the thymus expanded over the course of the trial, and blood tests confirmed improved immune function. The treatment included.

Go modular or even get an upgrade:

A team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University just 3D printed functional components of the human heart — including small blood vessels and large beating ventricles.

“We now have the ability to build constructs that recapitulate key structural, mechanical, and biological properties of native tissues,” said Adam Feinberg, a professor at Carnegie Mellon and the co-founder of 3D printing company FluidForm, which built the tech the team used, in a statement.

Lub Dub

Printing tissues capable of functioning like the real thing is particularly challenging. Complex shapes have to be supported as they’re being printed or otherwise they begin to sag. The team solved this issue, according to a paper published in the journal Science today, by printing scaffolds from a temporary support gel.

Em sua visita ao Brasil em junho de 2019, o cientista brit nico Aubrey de Grey lançou o livro “O fim do envelhecimento” e explicou as ideias centrais deste clássico da moderna ciência do rejuvenescimento.

Este é o vídeo completo do evento, tendo sido cortadas somente as traduções consecutivas feitas por Nicolas Chernavsky.

#SENS #envelhecimento #AubreydeGrey #saúde #longevidade #ciência

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Evento realizado pela NTZ Publicações.
Organização: Nicolas Chernavsky e Nina Torres Zanvettor.
Filmagem: Rafael Scucuglia (Raava audiovisual)
Local: Espaço Cultural Centro da Terra — São Paulo (SP)
Edição final e legendas: Nina Torres Zanvettor e Nicolas Chernavsky.

Getting old is an unavoidable truth of life. And yet, for most of modern history this mortal coil has baffled scientists. Over the past decade, however, researchers have made great strides in understanding the cellular, molecular, and genetic tableau of aging—which has brought the next question into sharp focus: Can aging be stopped? While a full answer remains elusive, recent advancements have opened the door for significantly extending the human lifespan. One controversial researcher even claims that the first person who will live 1,000 years has already been born. Mainstream researchers are decidedly more cautious in their predictions, but the prospect of postponing mortality, even in modest ways, raises important ethical, social, and practical questions. How would we control an increasingly out-of-control global population? Does life have meaning without death? Even if we could live forever, would we want to?

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Original Program Date: June 2, 2011
MODERATOR: Bill Ritter
PARTICIPANTS: Leonard Guarente, Judith Campisi, Michael Rose, Aubrey de Grey.

Bill Ritter’s Introduction 0:05

Does Life Have Meaning Without Death? 02:50.