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Jul 22, 2018

The Rocket Man Giving SpaceX a Run for Its Money

Posted by in categories: economics, space travel

Peter Beck is the real life rocket man. He loves rockets so much that he started Rocket Lab, a space startup specializing in lightweight, cost-effective commercial launch services. His goal is to make launching rockets into orbit as common as picking up your mail, and he’s making progress.

Video by Matt Goldman.

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Jul 22, 2018

Home: Today, all the action beyond low earth orbit is telecom, government, and military

Posted by in categories: computing, government, military, space travel

Tomorrow it’s commercial tourism, space energy, space data centers, in-space manufacturing and resource exploration & utilization. Companies all over the world are creating incredible future technologies that will one day operate in deep space. But one question largely goes unanswered: how will they get there? We will take them.

Chemical and ion electrical propulsion have their limitations. We’re building breakthrough transportation technology to propel the next generation of space endeavors more efficiently, safely, and inexpensively than ever before.

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Jul 22, 2018

Propelling deep space flight with a new fuel source, Momentus prepares for liftoff

Posted by in category: space travel

Mikhail Kokorich, the founder of Momentus, a new Y Combinator-backed propulsion technology developer for space flight, hadn’t always dreamed of going to the moon.

A physicist who graduated from Russia’s top-ranked Novosibirsk University, Kokorich was a serial entrepreneur in who grew up in Siberia and made his name and his first fortunes in the years after the fall of the Soviet Union.

The heart of Momentus’ technology is a new propulsion system that uses water as a propellant instead of chemicals.

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Jul 22, 2018

Transhumanist Party Virtual is open to all sapients, corporeal, digital, and virtual

Posted by in categories: economics, education, existential risks, geopolitics, transhumanism

Transhumanist Declaration VirtualTranshumanism Virtual is the viewpoint that sapient society, corporeal, digital, and virtual should embrace, wisely, thoughtfully, and compassionately, the radical transformational potential of technology. The Transhumanist Party Virtual calls for: — Projects to take full advantage of accelerating technology. — Economic and personal liberation of all sapient beings — An inclusive new social contract for all sapient and sentient beings in the light of technological disruption — A evolutionary regulatory system to fast-track innovative breakthroughs — Reform of democratic processes with new tools — Education transformed in readiness for a radically different future — A transhumanist rights agenda for all sapient and sentient beings in the coming transhumanist age — An affirmative new perspective on existential risks.

Transhumanist Party Virtual

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Jul 21, 2018

This theater fully immerses viewers as they stand and watch

Posted by in category: virtual reality

Click on photo to start video.

This 360-degree theater lets you experience VR without a headset.

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Jul 21, 2018

The Spectrum Retreat brings color to Portal-like puzzles

Posted by in category: entertainment

Intriguing game has its moments, but flubs story section.

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Jul 21, 2018

SpaceX to exclusively fly reusable rocket

Posted by in category: space travel

SpaceX launches may increase moving forward.

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Jul 21, 2018

Interesting Facts About The Speed of Light

Posted by in category: futurism

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Jul 21, 2018

NASA ScienceCasts: Exploring Beneath the Waves

Posted by in category: space

Researchers are using a technology solution called Fluid Lensing to study coral reefs and help better understand reef ecosystems.

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Jul 21, 2018

Boston Dynamics is Gearing Up to Build and Army of Robot Dogs

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Robot dogs are coming.

Boston Dynamics’ SpotMini robot dog will be getting to work in a variety of roles by the middle of 2019.

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