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Humanity is moving ever faster towards a perfect world, but we’ll probably never get all the way to perfect. A somewhat plausible alternative to this utopian future is that humanity destroys itself. Typical science fiction dystopias, on the other hand, are quite unrealistic, in my view.

Interstellar is one of my favorite movies, but there’s one thing about it I don’t like; it’s set in a dystopian future where sandstorms and blight make it increasingly difficult for humans to survive. Although science fiction is my favorite genre, it annoys me a bit that science fiction movies are often dystopian to some degree.

Unfortunately, news media also have a tendency to focus on the negative, so it’s not surprising if you have a negative view of the world today. And with science fiction movies often being dystopian, it’s not surprising if you have a negative view of the future as well. But if we look at the bigger picture – the trends – how the world is changing – we actually see that some very positive changes have been – and are – happening.

Hurricane Lorenzo intensified into a Category 5 hurricane Saturday night, smashing a record for the easternmost Atlantic hurricane to attain such a strong intensity, and poses a danger to the Azores this week.

Lorenzo rapidly deepened Saturday from Category 3 status with estimated maximum sustained winds of 115 mph at 11 a.m. EDT to Category 5 status with winds of 160 mph just 12 hours later.

This is by far the farthest east in the Atlantic Ocean any of the previous 35 Category 5 hurricanes have occurred in records dating to the 1920s.

During Saturday evening’s hour-long, particularly windy press conference, Musk announced that the next test would take place in “about one to two months” before detailing how Starship would control its landing.

“This is quite a new approach to controlling a rocket,” Musk said. “Much more akin to a skydiver than a plane.”

Musk laughed as he showed the crowd in Boca Chica how the craft would control the fall, with his hands acting as the ship. Getting into the specifics a little more, Musk explained the importance of a steel heat shield that would only cost a fraction of a carbon fiber heat shield. “I’m in love with steel,” Musk said.

It is not Atlantis…

But scientist have found a lost continent that was found hidden underneath the Adriatic Sea. This comes as a surprise because the world’s land mass is actually getting smaller… we should be unfortunately losing land.

However, according to TIME a university out of the Netherlands have assigned a research team to uncover another continent that had broken off from the northern parts of Africa and some how got stuck underneath Europe.

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He and others in the Christiansburg community were some of the first to watch Wing’s delivery drone in action. Wing partnered with FedEx, Walgreens, and Christiansburg local Sugar Magnolia to launch a trial for their new service in Christiansburg. Drones can pick up and deliver items in a matter of minutes.

“It’s faster then other types of ground delivery, it’s more convenient, it’s also safer,” Jonathan Bass, Head of Communications and Marketing for Wing, said.

Montgomery County is the first location that gets to try out Wing’s product.