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Atlas uses its whole body — legs, arms, torso — to perform a sequence of dynamic maneuvers that form a gymnastic routine. We created the maneuvers using new techniques that streamline the development process. First, an optimization algorithm transforms high-level descriptions of each maneuver into dynamically-feasible reference motions. Then Atlas tracks the motions using a model predictive controller that smoothly blends from one maneuver to the next. Using this approach, we developed the routine significantly faster than previous Atlas routines, with a performance success rate of about 80%. For more information visit us at

CAS has announced the research program “Taiji” that will study gravitational waves from the merging of binary black holes and other celestial bodies.

Unlike the LIGO research conducted from a ground-based observatory, Taiji will conduct space-based detection on the gravitational waves with lower frequencies to observe celestial bodies with greater mass or located farther away in the universe, said Wu Yueliang, chief scientist of the Taiji program and an academician of CAS.

However, the gravitational wave signals from those celestial bodies are extremely weak, posing great challenges for detection. Scientists need to break through the limit of current precise measurement and control technology, Wu said.

We’re continuing to release talks from Ending Age-Related Diseases 2019, our highly successful two-day conference that featured talks from leading researchers and investors, bringing them together to discuss the future of aging and rejuvenation biotechnology.

In his talk, Reason of Repair Biotechnologies addressed the reasons why rejuvenation biotechnology is not proceeding as fast as it could be and discussed the ways in which his company is helping to expedite its development and release.

Naval authority H.I. Sutton, writing at Forbes, reports that the first launch of the Zircon missile from a submarine is set for next year. The test will take place onboard the Russian Navy’s new submarine K-561 Kazan. Sutton believes Russia is sufficiently advanced in hypersonic missile technology that it will be the first to field operational hypersonic weapons.

Moscow will likely win the race to field the first hypersonic weapon system.

A new initiative by Florida Power & Light aims to to install 1,000+ charging ports at 100+ locations across Florida, including major roadways, large employers and popular tourism destinations.

Florida Power & Light is committing to EVs in a big way. In an announcement today, the Juno Beach-based company revealed that its would be rolling out 1,000 new EV charging points at 600 stations.

They’ll be distributed across 100 different locations. Some will serve employees of large corporations in the area like Office Depot. Shopping malls, public schools and municipal buildings are also in the mix, as are popular tourist spots like Lion Country Safari.

Naturally, each charging point will be accompanied by a dedicated EV-only parking space.

Circa 2016

We humans are pretty into the idea of finding aliens, but have we really thought through what would happen if we stumbled across extraterrestrial intelligence that didn’t want to ‘come in peace’, and instead was hell-bent on mining our fair planet for everything it’s got?

No? Well, luckily for us reckless daydreamers, astronomers have our back, and have come up with a pretty solid plan that would cloak our planet from any bad-guy aliens out there looking for us. And it relies entirely on lasers (what else?).

So how does it work? In order to find planets outside our Solar System, we watch other stars and look for signs of their light dimming periodically, which indicates that a planet is passing in front of them.