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Kostenlos Energie für die gesamte Menschheit und dabei noch umweltfreundlich? Eine solche Maschine könnte die globalen Energieprobleme der Menschheit auf einen Schlag lösen. John Searl, Erfinder aus den USA hat schon vor Jahrzehnten eine solche Maschine vorgestellt und seine Geschichte liest sich wie ein Hollywood Streifen. Nicht nur, dass Searl DIE Methode gefunden haben soll, um kostenlos saubere Energie zu erzeugen, auch mit dem US Militär geriet der Erfinder a la „Staatsfeind Nummer 1“in Konflikt, die alle seine Arbeiten und Prototypen des Searl Effect Generators zerstört haben sollen. Wahrheit oder Spinnerei? Heute ist John 82 Jahre alt und hat noch ein großes Ziel: Die Energiemonopole zu stürzen um der Welt für den Rest aller Tage kostenlos Energie zur Verfügung zu stellen und dabei gleichzeitig seinen Dokumentarfilm auf DVD zu verkaufen. Worum es bei dem Searl Effect Generator geht und weshalb das US-Militär John´s Entwicklungen zerstört haben soll lest und seht ihr in diesem Beitrag bei uns auf Trends der Zukunft.

From the fictional universe of Stargate Atlantis and Marvel Comic’s Realm of Kings to NASA’s Eagleworks Propulsion laboratory, zero-point energy, also known as vacuum energy, is touted as a potentially limitless and ubiquitous source of energy, if one can only find the means to harness it. [1] Zero-point energy can be formulated in a few different ways, but in its most basic form, it is the minimal yet non-zero energy of a quantum mechanical system. In quantum field theory, zero-point energy can be considered by computing the expected energy of the zero photon mode. [2] In a system with no physical boundaries, the expected energy of the zero photon mode diverges! Yet, if this energy uniformly permeates all of space-time, it is not directly observable.

Conceptual Framework

For pedagogical reasons, we will consider the popular formulation of zero-point energy. The most interesting and relevant framework for zero-point energy can be understood from the quantum field theory for photons and electrons: quantum electrodynamics. Glossing over an exceptional amount of mathematical and conceptual background, the energy of a state in quantum field theory is computed as an expectation of a Hamiltonian„ which describes the energy of the state in terms of operators acting on wavefunctions. The final computation usually requires an integral over the allowed momenta of particles in the state.

Researchers at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology have recently developed a flexible and imperceptible magnetic skin that adds permanent magnetic properties to all surfaces to which it is applied. This artificial skin, presented in a paper published in Wiley’s Advanced Materials Technologies journal, could have numerous interesting applications. For instance, it could enable the development of more effective tools to aid people with disabilities, help biomedical professionals to monitor their patients’ vital signs, and pave the way for new consumer tech.

“Artificial skins are all about extending our senses or abilities,” Adbullah Almansouri, one of the researchers who carried out the study, told TechXplore. “A great challenge in their development, however, is that they should be imperceptible and comfortable to wear. This is very difficult to achieve reliably and durably, if we need stretchable electronics, batteries, substrates, antennas, sensors, wires, etc. We decided to remove all these delicate components from the skin itself and place them in a comfortable nearby location (i.e., inside of eye glasses or hidden in a fabric).”

The , developed under the supervision of Prof. Jürgen Kosel, is magnetic, thin and highly flexible. When it is worn by a human user, it can be easily tracked by a nearby magnetic sensor. For instance, if a user wears it on his eyelid, it allows for his to be tracked; if worn on fingers, it can help to monitor a person’s physiological responses or even to control switches without touching them.

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