Evidence that quantum searches are an ordinary feature of electron behavior may explain the genetic code, one of the greatest puzzles in biology.
As the fourth anniversary of the first detection approaches, the field continues to mature—with a bright future ahead.
In the face of fear, whether it be caused by a grizzly bear or an audience waiting to hear you speak, your body initiates a reaction to stress. The breath quickens, the pupils dilate, the heart begins to pound. These automatic responses occur as a part of the so-called fight-or-flight response, the body’s evolved mechanism to threats around us. Scientists have known for decades that this reaction is triggered by hormones released by the adrenal glands, two cone-shaped organs…
A protein released from bone is involved in triggering the body’s reaction to stress.
San Francisco-based startup Simbe Robotics is on a mission to transform retail with robots that scan store shelves for missing inventory.
A SpaceX rocket that may be the first to launch astronauts from the Space Coast has been built and test-fired in Texas.
That new rocket is now on its way to Central Florida.
TOKYO (Reuters) — Inspired by new ultra-thin solar panels developed for satellites, a project led by Toyota Motor Corp is experimenting with a sun-powered Prius that it hopes will one day require no plugging in.
In the Japanese government-funded demonstration project, Toyota engineers fitted solar panels designed by Sharp Corp to the hood, roof, rear window and spoiler to see how much juice the sun can generate.
The electricity from the panels goes directly to the drive battery, so the Prius can charge while moving or when parked.
We’re continuing to release talks from Ending Age-Related Diseases 2019, our highly successful two-day conference that featured talks from leading researchers and investors, bringing them together to discuss the future of aging and rejuvenation biotechnology.
In his talk, The Reversal of the Aging of Human Cells: Strategies for Clinical Implementation, Dr. West discussed the differences between germ-line and somatic cells, embryonic regeneration in humans, organisms that do not age, the Weismann Barrier, the ways in which cellular immortality is repressed in human beings (somatic restriction), cellular reprogramming, and how AgeX is attempting to create stem cell populations for regenerative therapies.
Cybercriminals are zeroing in on the managed service providers that handle computer systems for local governments and medical clinics.
On July 3, employees at Arbor Dental in Longview, Washington, noticed glitches in their computers and couldn’t view X-rays. Arbor was one of dozens of dental clinics in Oregon and Washington stymied by a ransomware attack that disrupted their business and blocked access to patients’ records.
But the hackers didn’t target the clinics directly. Instead, they infiltrated them by exploiting vulnerable cybersecurity at Portland-based PM Consultants Inc., which handled the dentists’ software updates, firewalls and data backups. Arbor’s frantic calls to PM went to voicemail, said Whitney Joy, the clinic’s office coordinator.
A ten-qubit system based on spins in impure diamond achieves coherence times of over a minute.
In the global race to build a quantum computer, it’s still unclear what material will make the best qubit. Companies have bet on a variety of architectures based on trapped ions, neutral atoms, superconducting circuits, and more. Now, Tim Taminiau of Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, and colleagues have demonstrated that they can manipulate magnetic spins inside diamond into the robust quantum states necessary for quantum computing. In their experiment, they entangle all possible pairs of a ten-qubit system and produce states in which seven different qubits are entangled simultaneously. They also show that individual qubits can retain quantum coherence for up to 75 s—a record for solid-state systems.