People who live to 110 seem to have unusually high levels of a rare immune cell.
This could be happening to me.
An international research team led by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has found that microorganisms living in the gut may alter the aging process, which could lead to the development of food-based treatment to slow it down.
All living organisms, including human beings, coexist with a myriad of microbial species living in and on them, and research conducted over the last 20 years has established their important role in nutrition, physiology, metabolism and behavior.
Using mice, the team led by Professor Sven Pettersson from the NTU Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, transplanted gut microbes from old mice (24 months old) into young, germ-free mice (six weeks old). After eight weeks, the young mice had increased intestinal growth and production of neurons in the brain, known as neurogenesis.
Mayo Clinic Marketplace
Posted in neuroscience
Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that can result in hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior.
New research from Dr. Luis M. Schang and his group at the Baker Institute for Animal Health has identified a new mechanism that plays a role in controlling how the herpes virus alternates between dormant and active stages of infection.
The herpes virus causes cold sores and genital sores, as well as life-threatening infections in newborns, encephalitis and corneal blindness.
Treatment of the virus is difficult, because it hides out in nerve cells and emerges months or years later to reactivate the infection.
Video of KOLD - My Best Drone Clips 2019
Drone shots have got more intricate and more complex as the years go on, and this compilation by Sam Kolder is one of the best examples of that.
I HAVE not heard of or seen this Debate-video??? I thought poor Doctor Aubrey de Grey had shot with “escape velocity” let us say past debates about the probability-guarantee of ending aging. Vadim has his beliefs and yet his beliefs are wrong. {As I have stated and have posted memes for many years that state “WHO IN SCIENCE IS CORRECT??? THE SCIENTISTS WHO ARE WRONG OR THE SCIENTISTS WHO ARE RIGHT??? De Grey is correct as am I. I am a mere data researcher solutions analyst {Yet very dedicated.} So with my dedication I have taken the data of Mankind and found all causes of aging and I have found a cure sitting in data.}.
Is comprehensive damage repair feasible? A debate at Undoing Aging 2019 between Vadim Gladyshev, Harvard Medical School and Aubrey de Grey, SENS Research Foundation.
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The prestigious academic physics journal Physical Review Letters published a paper this week about cutting-edge laser tech — and, if bloggers are to be believed, it could have juicy ramifications.
The paper itself is dry and technical, but the prominent tech blog Ars Technica’s interpretation of its findings is anything but. According to Ars, in fact, the tech it describes could pulse a laser “through fabric of the Universe.”
An exciting discovery has been made by scientists as they have uncovered that the human brain contains structures and shapes that may have up to eleven dimensions.
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Nov. 14, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Underdog Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Underdog), and SENS Research Foundation (SRF) today announced the launch of Underdog and the completion of its seed round, providing $3.95 million to promote Underdog’s development of disease-modifying treatments for atherosclerosis and other age-related diseases. SRF also announced two senior appointments.
The Underdog round is led by Michael Greve’s Kizoo Technology Capital, part of the Forever Healthy Group and one of the premier organizations focusing on accelerating rejuvenation biotechnologies. It also includes Oculus co-founder Michael Antonov through Tubus, LLC, and financier Harald McPike through Chambray Worldwide, Ltd.
Underdog was built from an SRF flagship program that has driven two years of applied development designed to explore and repair the underlying causes of cardiovascular disease. Its co-founders are Matthew O’Connor, Ph.D. and Michael Kope, formerly the V.P. of Research and the founding CEO, respectively, of SRF.