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Nuclear physics usually involves high energies, as illustrated by experiments to master controlled nuclear fusion. One of the problems is how to overcome the strong electrical repulsion between atomic nuclei which requires high energies to make them fuse. But fusion could be initiated at lower energies with electromagnetic fields that are generated, for example, by state-of-the-art free electron lasers emitting X-ray light. Researchers at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) describe how this could be done in the journal Physical Review C.

During nuclear fusion two atomic nuclei fuse into one new nucleus. In the lab this can be done by particle accelerators, when researchers use fusion reactions to create fast free neutrons for other experiments. On a much larger scale, the idea is to implement controlled fusion of light nuclei to generate power – with the sun acting as the model: its energy is the product of a series of fusion reactions that take place in its interior.

For many years, scientists have been working on strategies for generating power from fusion energy. “On the one hand we are looking at a practically limitless source of power. On the other hand, there are all the many technological hurdles that we want to help surmount through our work,” says Professor Ralf Schützhold, Director of the Department of Theoretical Physics at HZDR, describing the motivation for his research.

Melanie Matheu is the CEO of Prellis Biologics. As a scientist, entrepreneur and somebody with a huge vision about the future of organ replacement this podcast literally asks what if we could print life from light. Laser-printing organs and vascular systems to give everybody another chance has incredible value. It changes the dynamics of how to handle endemic diseases like diabetes and many other organ issues, liver, kidney and maybe eventually very complex systems like the nervous systems inside our bodies. It’s a two-part podcast because the range of ideas and possibilities this brings up are almost infinite.

What if you could get life from light? Our guest today is doing exactly that. From laser printing of vascular elements to eventual full laser printing of organs from kidneys to livers and maybe eventually nervous systems, the ideas today are well within the grasp of reality in ten years’ time. Just imagine how this will change our medical systems, what doctors focus on and how we solve major global health crisis like diabetes. Imagine how it could give huge numbers of us a second, third or even fourth career as it expands life into the 80s, 90s and beyond.

Everybody who listens to these two podcasts will be affected directly or indirectly by the ideas Melanie is bringing to life. There is a very different to the future of organs, one that is far closer than we might have thought possible. That also means the questions and ideas about how we manage our bodies are going to change, very quickly.

Today, Kansas City became the first major American city to have fare-free public transit.

City council voted unanimously to make city bus routes fare-free, reports KSHB, directing the city manager to develop and enact a plan. The city’s light rail was already free.

Free bus service, which is expected to cost about $8 million, has been pitched as a major help to low-income residents who rely on transit to commute to work.

Researchers discovered a new malicious activity that involved by Russian APT hackers to attack Government and Military officials in Ukrainian entities.

The attacker’s targets are not limited but they also infect various individuals who is part of the government and Law enforcement, Journalists, Diplomats, NGO and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Researchers believe that the campaign attributed to Gamaredon activity in which attackers using Dynamic Domain Name Server as C2 server, VBA macro, and VBA script as a part of this attack.

Last week, a woman named Victoria Gray became the first person in the U.S. to have her cells edited with CRISPR. The 41-year-old patient was suffering from sickle cell anemia.


The condition, caused by a genetic mutation that messes with the shape of red blood cells, causes havoc on patients, and to make things even worse, the options for treatment are very limited and ineffective. The only current treatment for sickle cell anemia patients is a donor transplant that works for just 10% of patients, but all that is about to change.

Rejuvenation Biotechnology: on track to be the biggest industry ever.

Dr Aubrey de Grey, CSO at the SENS Research Foundation speaking at Master Investor’s Investing in the Age of Longevity 2019 event. Aubrey discusses Rejuvenation biotechnology and how it’s on track to become the biggest industry ever.

Master Investor is an investment media and events company that delivers independent, financial commentary and analysis to UK private investors and traders through events, magazines, news, blogs, podcasts and daily/weekly newsletters.
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One of the most vexing questions many of us face once we hit our 60s is: Where should we live as we get older? I’m not talking about those “Best Places to Live” rankings. I mean what kind of home, and type of community, would be most suitable. That’s why I was eager to hear what several gerontologists had to say in their session at last week’s Gerontological Society of America conference about how they decided where they’d live in later life.

What kind of home and community is most suitable? The answer isn’t always rational.

Gene therapies to reverse immunosenescence and atherosclerosis.

CEO of Repair Biotechnologies speaking at Master Investor’s Investing in the Age of Longevity 2019 event. Reason discusses gene therapies to reverse immunosenescence and atherosclerosis.

Master Investor is an investment media and events company that delivers independent, financial commentary and analysis to UK private investors and traders through events, magazines, news, blogs, podcasts and daily/weekly newsletters.

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