I am in shock… Google suddenly as yahoo are allowing conjecture and mendacity be seen as public or scientific opinion. Here is another confused mind who towards the end of her rant quotes Christian scripture as basis to stop Life extension-Transhumanism???
When I say to these minds Behold the leader of Christianity stood for Life abundant-Super Longevity and I can prove such. No matter what lost evangelist or preacher tells you Jesus was a medical researcher of extraordinary magnitude…
NOW BEHOLD THE LOST in this article… https://www.rodofironministries.com/…/transhumanism-and-imm… Respect r.p.berry & AEWR wherein aging now ends we have found the many causes of aging and we have located an expensive cure. We search for partners-investors to now join us in agings end… gerevivify.blogspot.com/
Whether we like it or not, the hybrid age is already here. From genetic manipulation, to AI technology, to nano-technology, robotics, 3D printing, brain mapping, super computing, the list is literally endless. Futurists and Transhumanist philosophers believe that science and technology are limitless, and that humanity’s current cultural traditions and mindset are the mechanisms in place that prohibit human development.