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Sep 22, 2018

Japan’s rovers send pictures from asteroid

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space travel

Hayabusa-2:! Japan’s space agency (JAXA) has made history by successfully landing two robotic explorers on the surface of an asteroid. The two small “rovers”, which were despatched from the Hayabusa-2 spacecraft on Friday, will move around the 1km-wide space rock known as Ryugu. The asteroid’s low gravity means they can hop across it, capturing temperatures and images of the surface. “Both rovers are in good condition,” the agency confirmed on Saturday…here:

Pictures have emerged from the surface of an asteroid after Japan landed two robotic rovers on it.

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Sep 22, 2018

Reverse-Engineering Technologists’ Brains

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, engineering, internet, robotics/AI

Should we trust technology experts? We live in times of incredible innovations and impressive complexity. The last 30 years of technological development overturned our society, and the next 30 will likely reshape the foundations of what it means to be human. Machines have been the wealth engines of our industrial modernity, while data control and artificial intelligence will structure the power battlefields of this century.

It’s not hard then to understand why technologists, computer scientists, engineers, tech-entrepreneurs, IT experts, data analysts, etc — dress the status of champions in our age. They are shipping us into the wonders of Web 3.0, Industry 4.0, 5G communications, the blockchain transition, the G (eneticengineering). R (obotics). AI. N (anotechnologies) Revolution…and another thousand of cryptic acronyms forbidden to ordinary mortals.

We are flooded with tech-narratives. Let’s start by playing with our imaginations. What does naturally come to your mind if I say:

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Sep 22, 2018

Vodafone demonstrates holographic calling over 5G network

Posted by in category: internet

24 votes and so far on Reddit.

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Sep 22, 2018

Extreme biohacking: the tech guru who spent $250,000 trying to live for ever

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, business

Very interesting article on the ideas and daily life of the businessman and biohacker Serge Faguet.

Silicon Valley millionaire Serge Faguet thinks pills, injections and implants will turn him into a superhuman. Could they?

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Sep 22, 2018

Glimpse: On the Promise of a Future with Artificial Wombs, and Why It’s Being Stopped by the Present

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, transhumanism

Given the speed at which reproductive technology has advanced over the past few decades, it doesn’t feel all that far-fetched: A future in which anyone can have a baby, regardless of creed or need, whenever they feel like it. Already, in our present moment, one can buy or sell eggs and sperm; we can give embryos genetic tests to ensure the children they produce don’t have any life-threatening hereditary conditions; and babies can even be born, now, with the genetic information from three parents.

So it follows that we should soon be able to to have pregnancy outside the body — artificial wombs. R ight?

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Sep 22, 2018

Glimpse: How Electronic Tattoos Will Change The World — And Ourselves

Posted by in category: 3D printing

Engineers have invented a new kind of 3D printer that can print electronic tattoos directly on your skin. Here’s how we’ll use it.

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Sep 22, 2018

Product: You can start inputting and controlling your Bluetooth enabled devices now!

Posted by in category: futurism

Experience the freedom to explore.

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Sep 22, 2018

David Sinclair — Can NMN Reverse Aging?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, life extension

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Sep 22, 2018

ICESat-2 Launch Coverage

Posted by in category: space

Coverage of the launch of NASA ICE’s #ICESat2, set for liftoff no earlier than Saturday, September 15 at 8:46 a.m. EDT! Join us as we embark on a mission to use lasers to measure the changing height of Earth’s ice:

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Sep 22, 2018

A Look at Ultima Thule: New Horizons Next Destination

Posted by in category: space

Join us at 1 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, Sept. 19, as our experts discuss humanity’s farthest planetary flyby that is coming up on Jan. 1, 2019 of the mysterious object nicknamed “Ultima Thule”. The encounter will occur approximately 4 billion miles from Earth complementing the discoveries still coming from the mission’s epic July 2015 flight through the Pluto system.

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