Using the Moon as a proving ground for living on Mars, this next chapter in exploration will forever establish our presence in the stars.
How we’re going
Using the Moon as a proving ground for living on Mars, this next chapter in exploration will forever establish our presence in the stars.
How we’re going
Intel introducing the ‘Horse Ridge’ to help enable Quantum Computers that are commercially viable, compared to the current models.
Iran has proved capable of cyberattacks that could target internet infrastructure, online banks, or even the US power grid.
A computer virus forced a US maritime base offline for more than 30 hours, the country’s coast guard has revealed.
Ransomware interrupted cameras, door-access control systems and critical monitoring systems at the site.
The agency did not reveal the name or the location of the facility targeted by the attack.
Flushing cold water through a tube down the throat can stop the body overheating, helping prevent brain damage after a heart attack.
Whenever someone refers me to a story with alarming facts that should surprise or outrage any thinking human, my spider-sense is activated. Does the story make sense? Is it plausible? If the message contains evidence of being repeated (or forwarded to more than two friends), then whatever is claimed is almost certain to be false.
If the subject is important to me—or if there is any chance that it might influence my view of the world, I check it at Snopes. The reputable web site confirms or debunks many urban legends and all sorts of viral web hype.
You never know what you might learn at Snopes. You can easily be lured into a rabbit hole, digging into the site beyond whatever prompted your visit in the first place.
Fact-checking can be fun! For example:
VITAMINS-Nutrients have long been described as healers-Life extending amino acids-chemicals… As has been done in the past holds true presently. There are trained professionals who for one reason or another attack the vitamin industry.
(Many claiming that vitamins do nothing and are washed from the body???)
How then did niacin extraction and synthesizing and being put into foods help end many sicknesses??? Yes Niacin is listed as a vitamin and a medicine…
So why is so much done and said against supplements??? Snake oil salesman and Big Pharma. I hate the term snake oil but it has been used against me and many others such as Doctor Aubrey de Grey…
SADLY There are those minds that have lied and harmed many down through the years by conartist-snake oil salesman… BUT For every bad product in nutrients there are 5 and more that are not so… WHAT SAY YE??? AEWR
Jan. 2 (UPI) — While the vast majority of over-the-counter nutritional and herbal supplements are safe — unless they are consumed in large quantities — not all of them deliver on their promised benefits.
The great Elizabeth Parrish on ageing the most sinister disease on earth… I hate it when words are used to make aging sound like a normal sickness or a great sickness, Such as grandest??? Or most Important disease??? The decomposer disease that Woman-man has called natural aging all these years has been in reality a clandestine plague so complicated yet so easily seen by the naked eye if certain scholars-textbooks do not get in the way…
Aging is The Eukaryotic Cellular pandemic plague AEWR has named the Senesonic-Sensonic plague. A disease that causes all of our cells to age nearly at the same rate causing our cells to have to regenerate the day long or the body drops.
WHEN without the Plague our cells individually would live decades instead of mere hours. Causing a bodily effect of Super Longevity-truly Immortality living into millennia once the plague is ended. SO IT IS NOT Liz’s fault, {I met her at RAADFEST 2018 she is a very special mind} but it is the pioneers of biology’s fault that the Human being has died needlessly for now centuries.
Aging could have been cured 200 and more years ago… I search for strong willed men and Women to now join AEWR as investors-partners in agings now end. We have found the causes and yes a very expensive cure we named the Gerevivify Algorithm… WE HAVE MUCH TO DO… r.p.berry & AEWR.
The English philosopher Thomas Hobbes correctly identified the historical state of humans when he said “Life in the state of nature is nasty, brutish and short.” For most of history the average human rarely lived beyond 35 years, but today the average Briton lives beyond 85 years. In this video, Liz argues that this luxury of time helps us realise that we must live with the consequences of our actions — which facilitates caring about our environment and each other. Liz’s organisation, BioViva, intend to accelerate this trend by using advanced medicine to increase health and longevity beyond 100 years for everyone.
Might interest some.
Think of a train coming down the tracks to a switch point where it could go either to the right or the left—and it always goes to the right.
Photosynthetic organisms have a similar switch point. After sunlight is absorbed, energy transfers rapidly to a protein called the reaction center. From this point, the electrons could move either to an A-branch (or “right-track”) set of molecules, or to a B-branch (“left-track”) set of identical molecules.
New research from Washington University in St. Louis and Argonne National Laboratory coaxes electrons down the track that they typically don’t travel—advancing understanding of the earliest light-driven events of photosynthesis. The findings were published Dec. 31 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).