#survival #coronavirus
In light of recent events its a good opportunity to go over the basics of pandemic preparedness.
*Correction* I need to make a correction to information provided within this video. The case-fatality rate of the Spanish influenza is often quoted by virologists as 2.5 % when in reality the math on this doesn’t add up as the population of the planet at the time doesn’t align with this statistic. This stat is misinterpreted to mean the overall case-fatality rate was (greater than) 2.5%. It is presumed a safer mortality estimate was between 7.5%-15% at the pandemics peak wave. The correct statistic is the 2.5%-5% of the WORLDS population perished as a result of this. It should be noted that there were several waves to this pandemic hence the 2.5 (greater than) statistic. The first wave was relatively tame, the second wave was devastating, the third wave was less severe. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/1918-commemoration/three-waves.htm
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