A new international study confirms an association between a Mediterranean-type diet and better gut and systemic health later in life.
If this can be done, it is a game changer. Too much medicine treats instead of cures. Scientists at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai along with collaborators study result is an important step toward a diabetes treatment that restores the body’s ability to produce insulin, according to the team.
Scientists at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai along with collaborators from other institutions say they have discovered a novel combination of two classes of drugs that, together, cause the highest rate of proliferation ever observed in adult human β cells without harming most other cells in the body. The result is an important step toward a diabetes treatment that restores the body’s ability to produce insulin, according to the team.
The finding involved a DYRK1A inhibitor, which is known to cause β cells to proliferate, and a GLP1R agonist, already in widespread use in people with diabetes. Together, they caused the cells to proliferate at a rate of 5–6% per day. The team’s research (“GLP-1 receptor agonists synergize with DYRK1A inhibitors to potentiate functional human beta cell regeneration”) appears in Science Translational Medicine online.
Security of embedded devices is essential in today’s internet-connected world. Security is typically guaranteed mathematically using a small secret key to encrypt the private messages.
When these computationally secure encryption algorithms are implemented on a physical hardware, they leak critical side-channel information in the form of power consumption or electromagnetic radiation. Now, Purdue University innovators have developed technology to kill the problem at the source itself—tackling physical-layer vulnerabilities with physical-layer solutions.
Recent attacks have shown that such side-channel attacks can happen in just a few minutes from a short distance away. Recently, these attacks were used in the counterfeiting of e-cigarette batteries by stealing the secret encryption keys from authentic batteries to gain market share.
China is deploying robots and drones to remotely disinfect hospitals, deliver food and enforce quarantine restrictions as part of the effort to fight coronavirus.
Chinese state media has reported that drones and robots are being used by the government to cut the risk of person-to-person transmission of the disease.
There are 780 million people that are on some form of residential lockdown in China. Wuhan, the city where the viral outbreak began, has been sealed off from the outside world for weeks.
Now, five years later, their gamble appears to have paid off. Not only did New Horizons achieve a next-to flawless flyby of Arrokoth, the most distant object ever visited, but buried in its gigabytes of data—which have been trickling back to Earth ever since the New Year’s Day 2019 rendezvous—lies empirical evidence that strikes against a classic theory of how planets form. The New Horizons team published their latest analysis of the ancient body and how it came to be in a trio of papers appearing in Science last week.
King’s College in London, UK has been awarded a grant to investigate the role of senescent cells, which accumulate as we age, in the context of the heart and how using a therapy to remove them influences its ability to recover from injury.
What are senescent cells?
As you age, increasing numbers of your cells enter into a state known as senescence. Senescent cells do not divide or support the tissues of which they are part; instead, they emit a range of potentially harmful chemical signals that encourage nearby healthy cells to enter the same senescent state. Their presence causes many problems: they reduce tissue repair, increase chronic inflammation, and can even eventually raise the risk of cancer and other age-related diseases.
In my previous post “Cryonics for uploaders: WTF is consciousness?” I didn’t elaborate on the spiritual implications of emerging theories of consciousness and reality. Here’s a unified theory of consciousness, physics, Deity, reincarnation, afterlife, eschatology, and theo/technological resurrection wink
A key exception: The brains of people who exhibited anti-social behavior as teenagers but not as adults showed no such abnormalities. That’s good news for reformed bullies, but bad news for the lifers.
“Most people who exhibit antisocial behaviour primarily do so only in adolescence, likely as a result of navigating socially difficult years, and these individuals do not display structural brain differences,” Carlisi said. “It is also these individuals who are generally capable of reform and go on to become valuable members of society.”
What remains hazy is the question of causation — are the brains of bullies small because they’re bullies, or do they become bullies because of their small brains?
Physicists have long searched for hypothesized dark matter particles called WIMPs. Now, focus may be shifting to the axion — an ultra-lightweight particle whose existence would solve two mysteries at once.
As American drone operators try to understand how the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) drone Remote Identification proposal would affect them, one of the most concerning issues is proving to be the requirement that every drone transmit the location of its pilot in near-real time.
The ability to locate a drone pilot is extremely useful for police, airports and other authorities to quickly resolve safety and security challenges, but we also understand why some drone pilots don’t want their location available to just anyone. DJI, like other companies innovating Remote ID systems, must follow the FAA’s lead on pilot location, so our demonstration solutions have made that information available to anyone with a smartphone. But that requirement isn’t final.
Now, two new developments are shining a spotlight on the FAA’s proposed pilot location requirement – and at just the right time when American drone pilots can make their voices heard about it.