Paralyzed patients regain use of their hands thanks to noninvasive spinal stimulation.
A novel method relying on biochemistry could provide an unambiguous signal of life on other worlds.
Godzilla in real life
Posted in biological, entertainment
Godzilla is back in cinemas, and he’s big. Since his first awakening the radioactive, fire-spewing kaiju has grown 60 metres and put on more than 150 000 tons. Godzilla is now 30 storeys tall and weighs as much as a cruise ship. s biology. If Godzilla were real, he would be an incredible specimen.
Weight problems Godzilla would weigh 146 000 tons, according to our keen analysis of the 2014 Godzilla toy and a formula developed by palaeontologists to work out the mass of bipedal dinosaurs.
0,00016 x (circumference of femur in millimetres) 2,73 = mass in kilograms 0,00016 x (Godzilla’s femur: 24 200 mm) 2,73 = 148 571 645 kilograms, or nearly 150 000 tons.
Testing the magical properties of mushrooms led scientists to philosophy’s open secret.
Medical workers have been looking for signs of illness before clearing flights for takeoff.
Under the FDA’s Expanded Access program, more folks can legally get access to medical-grade MDMA for psychotherapy.
A new type of killer T-cell could serve as “one-size-fits-all” cancer therapy.
Researchers at Cardiff University in Wales discovered a different kind of T-cell receptor (TCR)—one that recognizes and kills most human cancer cells while ignoring healthy ones.
The early-stage findings, published this week in the journal Nature Immunology, have not yet been tested in patients. But the team said they have “enormous potential.”
Circa 2017(article) essentially higgs mode could help be a developer mode for creating life or universes really anything creating unparalleled technology even invulnerable metals or nearly impossible properties.
In this book, Merali explores the possibilities of creating an infant universe in a laboratory. Read on.