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The World Health Organization has repeatedly stopped short of calling the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic – until this week.

Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon the director general, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, finally used the term to describe the outbreak, which has now spread to well over 100 countries and infected over 120,000 people.

“WHO has been assessing this outbreak around the clock and we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction,” Dr Tedros said.

Rosalind Franklin has been built to try to detect life, past or present, on the Red Planet.

Because of this, the rover and its instruments have been prepared to incredibly stringent levels of cleanliness. This status must now be maintained over the coming two years of storage.

The project’s industrial prime contractor, Thales Alenia Space of Italy, will do this in an ISO-7 chamber at its Turin factory.

Morello and colleagues studied an antimony nucleus embedded in silicon. The larger antimony nucleus has higher spin than phosphorus. So, in a magnetic field, it has not just two basic states but eight, ranging from pointing in the same direction as the field to pointing in the opposite direction.

In addition, the distribution of electric charge within the nucleus isn’t uniform, with more charge around the poles than the equator. That uneven charge distribution gives experimenters another handle on the nucleus in addition to its spin and magnetism. They can grab it with an oscillating electric field and controllably ease it from one spin state to another or into combinations of any two. All it takes is applying an electric field of the right frequency with a simple electrode, the researchers report.

The researchers discovered the effect by accident, Morello says. For reasons that have nothing to do with quantum computing, they had wanted to study how the antimony nucleus embedded in a silicon chip would react to jolts of the oscillating magnetic field generated by a wire on the chip. But the wire melted and broke, turning the current-carrying wire into a charge-collecting electrode that instead generated an oscillating electric field.

“Our museum has some plum blossoms at the entrance, so while I was hosting, I said it was such a pity that nobody could appreciate the flowers because of the outbreak,” said Jiang, who is a tour host herself. “Then I saw a comment saying, ‘No worries, millions of us just saw it!’ I was touched.”

By offering online tours and a marketplace for souvenirs, e-commerce platforms are helping visitor-less tourist sites survive the COVID-19 epidemic.

At 11 a.m., one hour after the lab opened, the wait time was three hours. The site is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Health officials will create a cutoff point in line. Those on the wrong side of that cutoff will get first preference tomorrow when the lab reopens, the Colorado Department of Health and Environment said in a statement.

The state urged people with symptoms and people who believe they have been exposed to the novel coronavirus to ask their doctor about getting swabs analyzed by private providers who now have the capacity to complete testing.

“In the case of the Industrial Revolution, people’s lives didn’t improve for seven decades,” Frey says. “That’s two generations. I think we need to be very concerned about some of these short-term effects on people.”

Frey says for seven decades wages were stagnant, food consumption decreased and “people’s living standards deteriorated.” The economy was doing quite well, but most of the workers weren’t seeing the benefits of that economy.

“Because people’s living standards deteriorated, people rioted against mechanized factories. The Luddites are often portrayed as these irrational enemies of progress, and to some extent, that’s right if you take a very long term view,””

The case against the flawed argument that automation won’t be so bad.