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Jun 23, 2019

This Homemade Rail Gun Shoots ‘Ionized Plasma’ Bullets

Posted by in category: energy

Of all the crazy garage-built weapons I’ve ever come across, this one from YouTuber/tinkerer Alex Smyth is definitely one of the craziest. Aside from the fact that it looks like a prop that was stolen from the set of District 9, Smyth’s “phased plasma” gun doesn’t just fire normal projectiles. It’s actually designed to fire rounds filled with ionized plasma, which in turn should, at least in theory, explode on impact.

If you’re unfamiliar, a railgun is a type of weapon that uses electricity instead of gunpowder to fire a projectile. Leveraging a phenomenon called the Lorentz Force, rail guns work by delivering a high power electric pulse to a pair of conductive rails, which in turn generates a magnetic field and rapidly accelerates the bullet situated between them.

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Jun 23, 2019

Would you like to be able to shoot laser beams out of your eyeballs like Superman?

Posted by in categories: entertainment, materials

The flexible lasers, less than a thousandth of a millimetre thick, work as free-standing films and can stick to different materials including banknotes and contact lenses.…/science-has-peaked-we-can-now…/

Jun 23, 2019

Ministry of Defence appoints first female Chief Scientific Adviser

Posted by in category: futurism

The Ministry of Defence has appointed an Oxford University professor as its first female Chief Scientific Adviser.

Dame Angela McLean, 58, will oversee the department’s core research programme and technology strategy in the role.

She has been a senior research fellow at Oxford University since 1990 and currently works on Theoretical Life Science at All Souls College.

Jun 23, 2019

How Jeff Bezos came up with the name ‘Blue Origin’

Posted by in categories: economics, space travel

What’s in a name? A little thought and a good cause, according to Jeff Bezos who was recently pressed about why he named his space company “Blue Origin.”

The Amazon founder recently spoke at the JFK Library for a fireside chat event. During the 50 minute conversation, he was asked about his other company, Blue Origin.

Northwest is primed for the space economy.

Jun 23, 2019

Carl Sagan’s Solar Sail Is Finally Ready To Fly

Posted by in category: futurism

The Planetary Society is launching LightSail 2 to fulfill a vision rooted in the future.

Jun 23, 2019

Nano-Tech in Mcdonald’s Fake So-Called All White Meat Chicken Nuggets

Posted by in categories: food, nanotechnology

Would you like fries with your nano-nuggets?

Jun 23, 2019

The NSA Is Building An Artificial Intelligence System That Can Read Minds

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics, privacy

Transistors are now the size of atoms.

Scary but real.

The NSA is working on a computer system that can predict what people are thinking.

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Jun 23, 2019

Freedom From Mental Slavery Photo

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, government, neuroscience

RFID in medical research helping researchers with lower error rates = better, more accurate results!

A CDC whistleblower has recently gone on record to expose nefarious government plans which would use the impending US Ebola pandemic as an opportunity to implant RFID technology in American citizens.

Brent Hopskins was a CDC contractor before coming forward with serious allegations against his former employer. Hopskins claims that an Ebola vaccine has been prepared for the general public in the form of disposable, one-use syringes. The downside, however, is that each of these syringes will contain not only the vaccine, but a micro RFID chip as well.

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Jun 23, 2019

Adapa360º — Woah this is crazy!

Posted by in categories: entertainment, virtual reality

Woah this is crazy!

How could this be used in VR and immersive entertainment?

Jun 23, 2019

Using human genome, scientists build CRISPR for RNA to open pathways for medicine

Posted by in category: biotech/medical