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Sep 26, 2019

Dark matter mystery: CERN results hint at ‘evidence of new physics’

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics

DARK MATTER has long eluded our understanding but scientists searching for evidence of new physics capable of explaining such enduring mysteries of the Universe may have moved one step closer, following the latest CERN research.

Sep 26, 2019

Facebook Plans To Make A Mind-Reading Wristband

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, computing, neuroscience, virtual reality

By this time, we can all conclude that Facebook is really ambitious when it comes to the production of high-end gadgets. This when you consider the Oculus line of devices, a VR wristband and RayBan AR glasses. And if that wasn’t enough, a new device is up for development.

The company has now revealed plans to build a mind-reading wristband letting people control devices without touching them. This is after the company finally acquired CTRL-Labs, a startup that is currently venturing into brain-computer interfaces. The deal has been reported to value at $1 billion.

The deal was then announced by Andrew Bosworth, Vice President of AR and VR at Facebook. “We spend a lot of time trying to get our technology to do what we want rather than enjoying the people around us,” he said.

Sep 26, 2019

Project brings quantum internet closer to reality

Posted by in categories: internet, military, quantum physics

A U.S. Army research result brings the quantum internet a step closer. Such an internet could offer the military security, sensing and timekeeping capabilities not possible with traditional networking approaches.

The U.S. Army’s Combat Capability Development’s Army Research Laboratory’s Center for Distributed Quantum Information, funded and managed by the lab’s Army Research Office, saw researchers at the University of Innsbruck achieve a record for the transfer of quantum entanglement between matter and light—a distance of 50 kilometers using fiber optic cables.

Entanglement is a correlation that can be created between quantum entities such as qubits. When two qubits are entangled and a measurement is made on one, it will affect the outcome of a measurement made on the other, even if that second qubit is physically far away.

Sep 26, 2019

Astrophysicists: There May Be Black Holes Orbiting Our Sun

Posted by in category: cosmology

In a mind-bending new paper, researchers suggest that there could be black holes orbiting the Sun, out past Pluto.

Scientists have long speculated that a “planet 9,” in orbit very far from the Sun, could explain why other bodies in our solar system have strange, hard-to-explain orbits.

Now, a pair of astrophysicists are suggesting a strange twist on that idea: that a black hole — or even a number of them — could be orbiting our Sun right now, way beyond Neptune.

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Sep 26, 2019

Can We Redesign The Modern City With Synthetic Biology? Could We Grow Our Houses Instead Of Building Them?

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, food, habitats, sustainability

Imagine waking up every morning in a house that is just as alive as you are. With synthetic biology, your future home could be a living, breathing marvel of nature and biotechnology. Yes, it’s a bold ambition. But this kind of visionary thinking could be the key to achieving sustainability for modern cities.

Our current homes and cities are severely outdated. Dr. Rachel Armstrong, a synthetic biologist and experimental architect, says, “All our current buildings have something in common: they’re built using Victorian technologies.” Traditional design, manufacturing, and construction processes demand huge amounts of energy and resources, but the resulting buildings give nothing back. To make our future sustainable, we need dynamic structures that give as much as they take. We need to build with nature, not against it.

In nature, everything is connected. For the world’s tallest trees—the California redwoods— their lives depend on their connection to each other as well as on a host of symbiotic organisms. Winds and rain batter the California coast, so redwoods weave their roots together for stability, creating networks that can stretch hundreds of miles. The rains also leach nutrients from the soil. But fungi fill the shortage by breaking down dead organic matter into food for the living. A secondary network of mycelia—the root-like structures of the fungi—entwine with the tree roots to transport nutrients, water, and chemical communications throughout the forest. What if our future cities functioned like these symbiotic networks? What if our future homes were alive?

Sep 26, 2019

A different kind of gravitational wave detector

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics, quantum physics

Hidden deep in a basement at Stanford stands a 10-meter-tall tube, wrapped in a metal cage and draped in wires. A barrier separates it from the main room, beyond which the cylinder spans three stories to an apparatus holding ultra-cold atoms ready to shoot upward. Tables stocked with lasers to fire at the atoms—and analyze how they respond to forces such as gravity—fill the rest of the laboratory.

The tube is an , a custom-built device designed to study the wave nature of . According to quantum mechanics, atoms exist simultaneously as particles and waves. The Stanford instrument represents a model for an ambitious new instrument ten times its size that could be deployed to detect gravitational waves—minute ripples in spacetime created by energy dissipating from moving astronomical objects. The instrument also could shed light on another mystery of the universe: dark matter.

Stanford experimental physicists Jason Hogan and Mark Kasevich never intended for their device to be implemented this way. When Hogan began his graduate studies in Kasevich’s lab, he focused instead on testing gravity’s effects on atoms. But conversations with theoretical physicist Savas Dimopoulos, a professor of physics, and his graduate students—often lured downstairs by an espresso machine housed directly across the hall from Kasevich’s office—led them to start thinking about its utility as a highly .

Sep 26, 2019

Differentiating Stem Cells into Heart Muscle

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

A recent review shows the current state of the industry with regards to using human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) to create cells that are useful for the study of, and therapies for, the human heart.

Pluripotent Stem Cells

Stem cells are the cells that form every other cell in the body, and adult humans naturally have native populations of stem cells to replace losses; the depletion of these reserves is stem cell exhaustion, which is one of the hallmarks of aging. To create stem cells from regular (somatic) cells, researchers use a technique called induced pluripotency, which creates induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). However, purely naive, dedifferentiated pluripotent cells, which could create any cell in the body, are only of limited use and are not effective as a therapy. To form specific somatic cell lines, stem cells must first be differentiated into specific types.

Sep 26, 2019

Future Mars Habitat Concept

Posted by in categories: habitats, space

Click on photo to start video.

The Mars Homes That NASA Awarded $500k

Sep 26, 2019

Human Embryoid Research! — Dr. Deborah Gumucio, Ph.D — University of Michigan — ideaXme — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, aging, bioengineering, bioprinting, biotech/medical, complex systems, DNA, genetics, health, transhumanism

Sep 26, 2019

Soyuz Rocket Blasts Off to Station With Multinational Crew

Posted by in category: space

Three multinational crewmembers blasted off to the space station today aboard their Soyuz rocket. They will reach their docking port in less than six hours today.