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Jul 7, 2019

First Ever AI Simulation Of The Universe Is So Smart That Even Scientists Are Baffled

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space


How does the universe work? It appears that a new AI could help find the answer as it was able to work well beyond the parameters set by its developers.

Jul 7, 2019

What If Humanity Was A Type III Civilization? | Unveiled

Posted by in categories: futurism, space

According to the Kardashev Scale, a Type III Civilization should be able to harness the power of an entire galaxy… Humanity isn’t quite there yet, but what will our lives be like if we ever do become an advanced, Type III, intergalactic species? In this video, Unveiled looks far into the future, to see how far humankind could possibly go as we continue to explore and understand the universe around us…

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

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Jul 7, 2019

How to Track the LightSail 2 as It ‘Sails’ Around Earth

Posted by in categories: space travel, sustainability

Last week, the LightSail 2 officially made its first contact with Earth. The solar-powered spacecraft will be sailing around Earth’s orbit for the next year, all part of a mission to prove that solar sailing is a viable mode of space exploration.

If successful, the hope is that solar sailing could be used in other spacecraft going forward, something that could allow us to explore further in space at a lower cost than is currently possible.

Jul 7, 2019

Demonstrations of DARPA’s Ground X-Vehicle Technologies

Posted by in categories: engineering, robotics/AI, transportation

DARPA’s Ground X-Vehicle Technologies (GXV-T) program aims to improve mobility, survivability, safety, and effectiveness of future combat vehicles without piling on armor. The demonstrations featured here show progress on technologies for traveling quickly over varied terrain and improving situational awareness and ease of operation.

These demonstrations feature technologies developed for DARPA by:

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Jul 7, 2019

Mysterious Deep-Sea Shark Captured in Incredibly Rare Footage, And It’s Breathtaking

Posted by in category: habitats

Down in the deep ocean, where the Sun’s rays don’t penetrate, there dwells a beast so perfectly efficient it has remained practically unchanged for 200 million years. It’s called the bluntnose sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus), and, like many deep-sea creatures, its lifestyle remains something of a mystery.

Scientists have managed to bring them up to the surface to tag them for tracking in the past. But under normal circumstances, they prefer the darker waters of the meso- and bathypelagic zones (up to 2,500 metres or 8,200 feet deep), coming into shallower waters only under the cover of night to feed.

Since being brought up to the surface can disorient and discombobulate the sharks, the data collected afterwards may not be a true representation of their normal movements. So a team of scientists sought to do something that’s never been accomplished before: tag a sixgill shark in its natural habitat.

Jul 7, 2019

Some Animal Hearts Can Adapt to Survive Without Oxygen, And Scientists Are Intrigued

Posted by in category: futurism

During winter time, some snapping turtles like to hibernate in ponds and lakes. Safely tucked away underneath a thin layer of ice, these freshwater reptiles can survive up to six months without any oxygen to speak of.

How their bodies can cope with this depends on the way they were raised, it turns out. New research has revealed that when turtle embryos are exposed to low levels of oxygen, it programs their hearts to be more resilient to such conditions for the rest of their lives.

Continue reading “Some Animal Hearts Can Adapt to Survive Without Oxygen, And Scientists Are Intrigued” »

Jul 7, 2019

Cosmic gamma-ray energy record shattered

Posted by in categories: particle physics, space

ASgamma experiment sheds light on how pulsars act as particle accelerators.

Jul 7, 2019

Robots step up to ace those big bad cinder blocks

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Well, each to his own taste. Kittens making friends with balls of yarn are absolute magnets for video surfers but a rival army of video clicksters can never max out staring at humanoids navigating where they want to go.

The latest video showcasing robots on the move is impressing viewers with the deft and successful way they are navigating a cinder block maze.

Continue reading “Robots step up to ace those big bad cinder blocks” »

Jul 7, 2019

High cholesterol ‘does not cause heart disease’ new research finds, so treating with statins a ‘waste of time’

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Cholesterol does not cause heart disease in the elderly and trying to reduce it with drugs like statins is a waste of time, an international group of experts has claimed.

A review of research involving nearly 70,000 people found there was no link between what has traditionally been considered “bad” cholesterol and the premature deaths of over 60-year-olds from cardiovascular disease.

Published in the BMJ Open journal, the new study found that 92 percent of people with a high cholesterol level lived longer.

Jul 7, 2019

Lift eFoil Review — Electric Surfboard!

Posted by in category: futurism

We review the Lift eFoil, an electric hydrofoil surfboard that is currently on the market for $12,000 to find out- is it tech we want?…eb79941e2c

Check out Lift eFoil: