Unlike every other AM technology, their process prints the entire object at once. The researchers published the paper in the journal Nature Communications.
In a unanimous decision, a 17-judge panel said Myanmar must take steps to protect the Muslim minority Rohingya, who “remain extremely vulnerable” after a brutal 2017 crackdown by the military.
The California Independent System Operator warned rolling blackouts could hit 3 million customers Sunday. PG&E said 17 counties could see power outages Monday.
A second case of human plague has been reported in Colorado this summer and state health officials are urging residents to take precautions to prevent exposure.
A resident of a rural county in the state has been diagnosed with plague and the case was reported to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment on Thursday, according to a news release. A southwest Colorado resident was diagnosed earlier this summer.
Grand County Public Health on Friday said the newly infected victim is a Grand County resident.
NASA released the highest-resolution panorama that the Mars Curiosity rover has ever taken, at close to 1.8 billion pixels.
As the EU navigates an increasingly Sino-American world, it finally sees the need to stand together, even against Beijing.
As cybercrime is becoming more lucrative and more automated, we’re going to have to depend on automated defenses on the other side.