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Physicists at Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Center of Finland have developed a new detector for measuring energy quanta at unprecedented resolution. This discovery could help bring quantum computing out of the laboratory and into real-world applications. The results have been published today in Nature.

The type of detector the team works on is called a , which measures the energy of incoming radiation by measuring how much it heats up the detector. Professor Mikko Möttönen’s Quantum Computing and Devices group at Aalto has been developing their expertise in bolometers for over the past decade, and have now developed a device that can match current state-of-the-art detectors used in quantum computers.

“It is amazing how we have been able to improve the specs of our bolometer year after year, and now we embark on an exciting journey into the world of quantum devices,” says Möttönen.

Gravitational Wave Propulsion 🤔 ⤵️ check the abstract.

This paper sums up aftereffects of past examinations, including proposed models, so as to construct an advanced hypothetical structure for Gravitational Wave Propulsion. The structure com prises of groups of generators of gravitational waves, which have been hypothesized yet require experimentation, and models of push age. High effectiveness generators depend on cognizant sources, for example synchronized MEMS oscillators, the HTSC Gaser, in light of cognizant turn 2 changes in s-wave/d-wave super conductors, and the atomic electromagnetic wave to gravitational wave up-changing over transducer, in view of dineutrons. After gravitational wave age is effectively demonstrated in the research center, it will be pos-sible to apply an idea created in the field of cosmology. It was discovered that the back-ground vitality thick ness may offer mass to the graviton, which thus may permit gravi tons to produce push. Nearby foundation vitality thickness can be expanded by accusing materials of high dielectric steady in close ness to the wave producing components. Centered Gravitational Waves may likewise create singularities, where the radiation is changed over into a coulomb-like gravitational field. Gravitation al singularities will set a n-body floating framework among them selves, the rocket, and the rest of the assortments of the universe, with clear propulsive impacts. Uses of the current examination will prompt an extraordinary drive framework fit for empowering the quick investigation of the nearby planetary group, the neigh borhood star framework, and potentially the entire system. On a general basis, a vehicle traveling in space requires energy and a reaction mass to accelerate and reach useful speeds. Usually the reaction mass is the mass of the pro- pellant, which in most circumstances has also the role of energy source. Vehicles that are not required to carry re- action masses are more efficient and light weight, but con- ventional ones are limited in scope. It is a fact that, after extraordinary developments, space travel by rocket tech nology has reached its limits and a new paradigm is re- quired to make a big step forward in space propulsion; a step that should enable the exploration of nearby star systems and possibly the whole galaxy. These goals may seem unreachable with the current understanding of physics. Anyway with an open mind and a prag matic approach, it is well known that we are dealing with opinions that are often suggested by the lack of interdisciplinary approach es to complex problems. It often happened that when so called theoretical limits were found wrong, accidental dis- coveries have shown why the good theory was errone- ously applied the first time. An alternative to accidental discoveries are pieces of knowl Review on Gravitational wave propulsion Ching Lee University of Trento, Italy edge gathered from hun- dreds of research papers from different disciplines com- bined in an unusual way to create new concepts. They are normally rejected by experts of their single research field, thus painstaking efforts are required to simply communi- cate the new concept and let it grow in the laboratories. At the and of the last century numerous theoretical efforts have started to show that Gravitational Waves (GWs) have not only astronomical and astrophysicalrelevance, but they also have technological applica tions. Among them, sev- eral theories have approaches identified for telecommuni- cation, imaging, material processing, and space propul- sion. This paper summarizes results of past analyses, in cluding proposed examples, in order to build a modern theoreti cal framework for Gravitational Wave Propulsion. The framework consists of families of generators of gravitational waves, which have been theorized but still require experimentation, and models of thrust generation. High efficiency generators are based on co  herent sources, for instance synchronized MEMS oscillators, the HTSC Gaser, based on coherent spin-2 transitions in s-wave/d wave superconductors, and the nuclear electromagnetic wave to gravitational wave up-converting transducer, based on dineutrons. After gravitational wave generation is successfully proven in the laboratory, it will be pos- sible to apply a concept developed in the field of cosmology. It was found that the back- ground energy density may give mass to the graviton, which in turn may allow gravitons to produce thrust. Local background energy density can be increased by charging materials with high dielectric constant in close proximity to the wave generating elements. Focused Gravita tional Waves may also produce singularities, where the radiation is converted into a coulomb-like gravitational field. Gravitational singularities will set an n-body gravitating system among them selves, the spacecraft, and the remaining bodies of the universe, with obvious propulsive effects. Applications of the present anal ysis will lead to a unique propulsion system capable of enabling the fast exploration of the solar system, the local star system, and possibly the whole galaxy proposed models, so as to construct an advanced hypothetical structure for Gravitational Wave Propulsion. The structure com prises of groups of generators of gravitational waves, which have been hypothesized yet require experimentation, and models of push age. High effectiveness generators depend on cognizant sources, for example synchronized MEMS oscillators, the HTSC Gaser, in light of cognizant turn 2 changes in s-wave/d-wave super conductors, and the atomic electromagnetic wave to gravitational wave up-changing over transducer, in view of dineutrons. After gravitational wave age is effectively demonstrated in the research center, it will be pos-sible to apply an idea created in the field of cosmology. It was discovered that the back-ground vitality thick ness may offer mass to the graviton, which thus may permit gravi tons to produce push. Nearby foundation vitality thickness can be expanded by accusing materials of high dielectric steady in close ness to the wave producing components. Centered Gravitational Waves may likewise create singularities, where the radiation is changed over into a coulomb-like gravitational field. Gravitation al singularities will set a n-body floating framework among them selves, the rocket, and the rest of the assortments of the universe, with clear propulsive impacts. Uses of the current examination will prompt an extraordinary drive framework fit for empowering the quick investigation of the nearby planetary group, the neigh borhood star framework, and potentially the entire system. On a general basis, a vehicle traveling in space requires energy and a reaction mass to accelerate and reach useful speeds. Usually the reaction mass is the mass of the pro- pellant, which in most circumstances has also the role of energy source. Vehicles that are not required to carry re- action masses are more efficient and light weight, but con- ventional ones are limited in scope. It is a fact that, after extraordinary developments, space travel by rocket tech nology has reached its limits and a new paradigm is re- quired to make a big step forward in space propulsion; a step that should enable the exploration of nearby star systems and possibly the whole galaxy. These goals may seem unreachable with the current understanding of physics. Anyway with an open mind and a prag matic approach, it is well known that we are dealing with opinions that are often suggested by the lack of interdisciplinary approach es to complex problems. It often happened that when so called theoretical limits were found wrong, accidental dis- coveries have shown why the good theory was errone- ously applied the first time. An alternative to accidental discoveries are pieces of knowl Review on Gravitational wave propulsion Ching Lee University of Trento, Italy edge gathered from hun- dreds of research papers from different disciplines com- bined in an unusual way to create new concepts. They are normally rejected by experts of their single research field, thus painstaking efforts are required to simply communi- cate the new concept and let it grow in the laboratories. At the and of the last century numerous theoretical efforts have started to show that Gravitational Waves (GWs) have not only astronomical and astrophysicalrelevance, but they also have technological applica tions. Among them, sev- eral theories have approaches identified for telecommuni- cation, imaging, material processing, and space propul- sion. This paper summarizes results of past analyses, in cluding proposed examples, in order to build a modern theoreti cal framework for Gravitational Wave Propulsion. The framework consists of families of generators of gravitational waves, which have been theorized but still require experimentation, and models of thrust generation. High efficiency generators are based on co  herent sources, for instance synchronized MEMS oscillators, the HTSC Gaser, based on coherent spin-2 transitions in s-wave/d wave superconductors, and the nuclear electromagnetic wave to gravitational wave up-converting transducer, based on dineutrons. After gravitational wave generation is successfully proven in the laboratory, it will be pos- sible to apply a concept developed in the field of cosmology. It was found that the back- ground energy density may give mass to the graviton, which in turn may allow gravitons to produce thrust. Local background energy density can be increased by charging materials with high dielectric constant in close proximity to the wave generating elements. Focused Gravita tional Waves may also produce singularities, where the radiation is converted into a coulomb-like gravitational field. Gravitational singularities will set an n-body gravitating system among them selves, the spacecraft, and the remaining bodies of the universe, with obvious propulsive effects. Applications of the present anal ysis will lead to a unique propulsion system capable of enabling the fast exploration of the solar system, the local star system, and possibly the whole galaxy.

Space exploration may long have been the domain of national governments due to the huge budgets required. Investment from the private sector was slow to pick up due to uncertain economic returns and the concern that their involvement will in some way downplay the virtues of science. However, recent developments have seen increased participation by the private sector, ranging from partnerships with federal space programs to commercial space flights. As an investor, determine whether there is value to be unlocked from your support of space exploration activities, the feasibility of making a consistent return on investment and your capacity for risk.

You do not need to be a billionaire to invest in outer space. Several exchange-traded funds invest in aerospace companies likely to be involved in space exploration technology and related equipment. You can opt to buy stock in individual aerospace firms after diligent research to find firms that have the best track record. Investing in space ventures directly is too risky, and you have to be experienced and knowledgeable about the respective companies’ technology, management and business plans. In addition, their stocks are likely to plummet hard after setbacks or major disasters, so getting a diversified fund spreads the risk.

You can choose to invest your money in mutual funds with diversified holdings in aerospace companies. The mutual fund will be a collection of stocks, bonds and other securities. Your investment will yield money from dividends, distribution if the fund makes capital gains, or by selling your portfolio if the fund’s shares increase in price. Choose an investment that is low risk if you are new to the investment world or the space technology industry.


Albert Einstein described black holes as strange objects “where God divided by zero.” An international team of astrophysicists has now confirmed that black holes are a distinct “species” from neutron stars –comparable to black holes in mass and size but confined within a hard surface, unlike black holes, an exotic cosmic object without a hard surface predicted by Einstein’s theory of General Relativity that do not have a surface, and are confined within an invisible boundary, called an event horizon, from within which nothing, not even light, can escape.

Hidden in NASA Archival X-ray Data

Definitive proof of the existence of such objects, “a holy grail of modern physics and astronomy,’ reports the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, has been achieved by an international team who revealed by far the strongest steady signature of stellar-mass black holes to date. Using the archival X-ray data from the now decommissioned astronomy satellite Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer, that probed the extreme environments around white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes, the team identified the effect of the lack of hard surface on the observed X-ray emission, and thus have found an extremely strong signature of accreting stellar-mass black holes.

Researchers at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) have created a machine learning algorithm that can produce images using only text captions as its guide. The results are somewhat terrifying… but if you can look past the nightmare fuel, this creation represents an important step forward in the study of AI and imaging.

Unlike some of the genuinely mind-blowing machine learning algorithms we’ve shared in the past—see here, here, and here —this creation is more of a proof-of-concept experiment. The idea was to take a well-established computer vision model that can caption photos based on what it “sees” in the image, and reverse it: producing an AI that can generate images from captions, instead of the other way around.

This is a fascinating area of study and, as MIT Technology Review points out, it shows in real terms how limited these computer vision algorithms really are. While even a small child can do both of these things readily—describe an image in words, or conjure a mental picture of an image based on those words—when the Allen Institute researchers tried to generate a photo from a text caption using a model called LXMERT, it generated nonsense in return.

Comet 67P/C-G is a dusty object. As it neared its closest approach to the Sun in late July and August 2015, instruments on Rosetta recorded a huge amount of dust enshrouding the comet.

This is tied to the comet’s proximity to our parent star, its heat causing the comet’s nucleus to release gases into space, lifting the dust along. Spectacular jets were also observed, blasting more dust away from the comet. This disturbed, ejected material forms the ‘coma’, the gaseous envelope encasing the comet’s nucleus, and can create a beautiful and distinctive tail.

A single image from Rosetta’s OSIRIS instrument can contain hundreds of dust particles and grains surrounding the 4 km-wide comet nucleus. Sometimes, even larger chunks of material left the surface of 67P/C-G — as shown here.