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The study

The researchers monitored the brainwaves of 100 students as they performed a series of cognitive tasks. They then conducted a group comparison analysis between the performance of students with higher test scores (as recorded prior to the study) against those with lower test scores.

The brainwave analysis was then analyzed using algorithms running on a D-Wave quantum annealing computer. According to the researchers, the study resulted in new insights concerning how cognitive ability relates to testing outcomes.

In the study, an international team of astronomers identified three supermassive black holes lurking near the center of galaxy NGC 6,240, which has been visibly disturbed by the gravitational effects of a triple merger. Because NGC 6,240 is so close—just 300 million light-years away—astronomers had previously assumed that its odd shape was the product of a typical merger between two galaxies. They believed that these two galaxies collided as they increased to hundreds of miles per second, and that they are still combining. Therefore, the researchers expected to find two supermassive black holes hiding near the center of the cosmic collision.

Instead, the team discovered three supermassive black holes, each weighing more than 90 million Suns, when they used 3D mapping techniques to peer into the core of NGC 6240. (To put this into perspective, Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, is roughly 4 million solar masses in weight.) Furthermore, the three massive black holes of NGC 6,240 are confined to an area that is less than 3,000 light-years across, or less than 1% of the galaxy in which they are found.

“Up until now, such a concentration of three supermassive black holes had never been discovered in the universe,” said study co-author Peter Weilbacher of the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam in a press release. This is the first time that scientists have seen a group of supermassive black holes packed into such a small area, despite the fact that they have previously discovered three distinct galaxies and the black holes that are connected to them on a collision course.

A recent study published in Nature Communications sheds light on why emotional memories are often more vivid and lasting than non-emotional ones.

Neuroscientists recently found that specific brain waves, called ripples, help strengthen and replay emotional memories, making them more vivid and easier to remember. This discovery could lead to new treatments for memory-related conditions like PTSD.

There is a legend that many hundreds of years ago—long before printing presses, computers, or telephones existed—a special method was used to remember significant events, such as land transfers, crucial agreements, or weddings. According to the legend, a child was chosen to witness the event and immediately thrown into a river. This extreme combination of events was believed to ensure that the child would never forget that specific event.

But why might such a method have worked? Although this historical method may seem extreme, our ancestors may have been onto something crucial: When an event is combined with a strong emotional reaction, it becomes easier to remember.

For a long time, researchers have been able to offer a specific explanation for why some events are stored in our while others are not. However, learning and memory may not be as straightforward as once thought. New research from DANDRITE shows that experiences that are not directly relevant to a memory can still impact the strength of that memory, paving the way for the development of entirely new memory-focused learning tools.