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Four decades of supersonic-combustion ramjet propulsion research culminated in a successful flight of the X-43A hypersonic technology demonstrator in March 2004, the first time a scramjet-powered aircraft had flown freely. After being launched by Dryden’s venerable B-52B mothership off the coast of Southern California, a modified first-stage Pegasus booster rocketed the X-43A to 95,000 feet before the X-43A separated and flew under its own scramjet power at an airspeed of Mach 6.8, or about 5,000 mph, for about 11 seconds. On Nov. 16, another identical scramjet-powered X-43A did it again, this time reaching hypersonic speeds above Mach 9.6, or about 6,800 mph, in the final flight of the X-43A project. Both flights set world airspeed records for an aircraft powered by an air-breathing engine, and proved that scramjet propulsion is a viable technology for powering future space-access vehicles and hypersonic aircraft.

SpaceX has finally received approval from Canadian authorities to offer its Starlink satellite Internet service in the country, a decision that comes amid a recent expansion of the beta program in the US. With this approval in place, SpaceX will be able to offer rural Canadians access to high-speed broadband, something that will slowly expand into other countries, as well.

Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder are developing a wearable electronic device that’s “really wearable”—a stretchy and fully-recyclable circuit board that’s inspired by, and sticks onto, human skin.

The team, led by Jianliang Xiao and Wei Zhang, describes its new “” in a paper published today in the journal Science Advances. The can heal itself, much like real skin. It also reliably performs a range of sensory tasks, from measuring the body temperature of users to tracking their daily step counts.

And it’s reconfigurable, meaning that the device can be shaped to fit anywhere on your body.

The telecoms industry is still several years away from agreeing on 6G’s specifications, so it is not yet certain the tech being trialled will make it into the final standard.

It involves use of high-frequency terahertz waves to achieve data-transmission speeds many times faster than 5G is likely to be capable of.

The satellite is meant to trial new technology expected to be many times faster than 5G.

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine
Kennedy Center Director Bob Cabana
Junichi Sakai, manager, International Space Station Program, JAXA
NASA astronaut Michael Hopkins, spacecraft commander
NASA astronaut Victor Glover, pilot
NASA astronaut Shannon Walker, mission specialist
JAXA astronaut Soichi Noguchi, mission specialist
Credit : NASA

This video has been used with NASA permission here :

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#China is in the rush to shape the future.

The rollout of 5G networks is nowhere near complete, but China is already looking ahead to what comes next. The Asian power this week successfully launched the world’s first 6G satellite into space to test the technology.

The experimental satellite containing sixth-generation telecommunications technology was launched into Earth’s orbit from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in China’s northern Shanxi Province on Friday.

The satellite was ferried to space along with 12 other satellites on board a Long March 6 carrier rocket.

Sharon and Ram Dev will explore the idea of universal compassion including the boundless nature of our hearts and the ability to stay open in the face of divisiveness, chaos and uncertainty. They will look at timeless wisdom and time-tested methods that help us move beyond the struggle and into loving what was previously unlovable.

Event will include meditation and live Q & A.

Ram Dev (Dale Borglum) founded and directed the Hanuman Foundation Dying Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the first residential facility in the United States to support conscious dying. He has been the Executive Director of the Living/Dying Project in Santa Fe and since 1986 in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is the co­author with Ram Dass, Daniel Goleman, and Dwarka Bonner of Journey of Awakening: A Meditator’s Guidebook, Bantam Books and has taught meditation since 1974. Dale lectures and gives workshops on the topics of meditation, healing, spiritual support for those with life ­threatening illness, and on caregiving as a spiritual practice.
Sharon Salzberg is a meditation pioneer and industry leader, a world-renowned teacher and New York Times bestselling author. As one of the first to bring meditation and mindfulness into mainstream American culture over 45 years ago, her relatable, demystifying approach has inspired generations of meditation teachers and wellness influencers. Sharon is co-founder of The Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA, and the author of eleven books, including the New York Times bestseller, Real Happiness, now in its second edition, her seminal work, Lovingkindness and her newest book, Real Change: Mindfulness To Heal Ourselves and the World, coming in September of 2020 from Flatiron Books.

Sharon’s secular, modern approach to Buddhist teachings is sought after at schools, conferences and retreat centers around the world. Sharon is the host of her own podcast, The Metta Hour, featuring 100+ interviews with the top leaders and voices in the meditation and mindfulness movement, and her writing can be found on Medium, On Being, the Maria Shriver blog, and Huffington Post.

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