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O,.o Circa 2019

CRISPR/Cas9 is now a household name associated with genetic engineering studies. Through cutting-edge research described in their paper published in Scientific Reports, a team of researchers from Tokyo University of Science, Meiji University, and Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, led by Dr Takayuki Arazoe and Prof Shigeru Kuwata, has recently established a series of novel strategies to increase the efficiency of targeted gene disruption and new gene “introduction” using the CRISPR/Cas9 system in the rice blast fungus Pyricularia (Magnaporthe) oryzae. These strategies include quicker (single-step) gene introduction, use of small homologous sequences, and bypassing of certain prerequisite host DNA “patterns” and host component modification.

The team led by Dr Arazoe and Prof Kuwata has devised simple and quick techniques for gene editing (target gene disruption, sequence substitution, and re-introduction of desired genes) using CRISPR/Cas9 in the rice blast fungus Pyricularia (Magnaporthe) oryzae, a type of filamentous fungus. Spurred on by encouraging results, the researchers surmise, “Plants and their pathogens are still coevolving in nature. Exploiting the mutation mechanisms of model pathogenic fungi as a genome editing technique might lead to the development of further novel techniques in genetic engineering.”

The working component of the CRISPR/Cas9 system binds to the target gene region (DNA) and causes a site-specific double-stranded break (DSB) in the DNA. Effective binding of this component requires a certain “motif” or “pattern” called the protospacer-adjacent motif (PAM), which follows downstream of the target gene region.

Watch a strange, sprouting mushroom reach out like an octopus … or the devil’s fingers.
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Time-lapse video shows an octopus-like fungus bursting from its “egg.” Fittingly known as the octopus stinkhorn, or devils’s fingers, this mushroom spends much of its time underground. When it’s time to reproduce, it emerges and starts to ooze a spore-filled slime that attracts flies. The flies carry the spores away, helping the strange mushroom to spread far and wide.

Read about the creepiest plants and fungi known to science.…s-science/

This sprouting, octopus-like fungus is the stuff of nightmares | national geographic.

My most recent article published in my LinkedIn profile. Opinions and thoughts are welcome.

Elon Musk has been warning for years of the risks that the progress in AI can pose to humanity. Long story short, his position is that AI, once it eventually becomes AGI, is going to be so advanced that it will make humans irrelevant.

In order to prevent this from happening, Elon Musk argues that a symbiosis between the human mind and AI is necessary, so that a sort of “Brain Computer Interface” or BCI allow humans direct communication with the cloud, and allow to process information at the speed that things are done in the cloud. Also, it would allow to limitlessly increase the scarce memory that our brains are capable of holding.

Elon argues that the interface with our mobiles and with PCs, as it requires the use of fingers, is chaotically slow and inefficient. Even if voice commands were much better than they are today, it would be still cumbersome compared with what would suppose being able to interact directly through our thougths.

For more than two decades, I have been working to improve several staple food crops in Africa, including bananas, plantains, cassavas and yams. As principal scientist and a plant biotechnologist at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture in Nairobi, I aim to develop varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases such as bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt (caused by the fungus F. oxysporum) and banana streak virus.

[Editor’s note: Abdullahi Tsanni is a freelance science journalist based in Abuja, Nigeria.]

In 2011, my team and I created a set of tools, the only one of its kind in Africa, for changing DNA sequences so that we could develop genetically modified and genome-edited products in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2018, we pioneered the first application of CRISPR gene-editing technology to deactivate banana streak virus in plantains. This technology overcame a major hurdle in banana breeding on the continent, and is the first reported successful use of genome editing to improve bananas.