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Mar 12, 2020

A Theory of Quantum Mechanics That Suggests Everyone is Immortal

Posted by in categories: life extension, quantum physics

The five main string-theory candidates may all just be pieces of a larger, cohesive whole — and M-theory could bring them together.

Mar 12, 2020

How Baidu is bringing AI to the fight against coronavirus

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Scientific and medical communities worldwide are using AI to understand and contain Covid-19, treat infected patients, and ultimately develop vaccines that prevent future outbreaks.

Mar 12, 2020

Novel error-correction scheme developed for quantum computers

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics, quantum physics

Scientists in Australia have developed a new approach to reducing the errors that plague experimental quantum computers; a step that could remove a critical roadblock preventing them scaling up to full working machines.

By taking advantage of the infinite geometric space of a particular quantum system made up of bosons, the researchers, led by Dr. Arne Grimsmo from the University of Sydney, have developed quantum correction codes that should reduce the number of physical quantum switches, or qubits, required to scale up these machines to a useful size.

“The beauty of these codes is they are ‘platform agnostic’ and can be developed to work with a wide range of quantum hardware systems,” Dr. Grimsmo said.

Mar 12, 2020

The 2020 Undoing Aging Conference is rescheduled to October (21−23)

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

We will be issuing ticket refunds to attendees, who cannot attend the new date.

Berlin / Mountain View, March 12, 2020.

Forever Healthy Foundation and SENS Research Foundation have decided to reschedule Undoing Aging 2020 to October, 21–23. Following the WHO’s declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic, we will do our share to prevent it from spreading further. We will be issuing ticket refunds to attendees, who cannot attend the new date.

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Mar 12, 2020

Is Aging a Disease? | LifeXtenShow

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Nicola Bagalà is one of the best advocates of rejuvenation therapies that I know. I follow him since he did a blog called “Rejuvenaction” some years ago. In this video, he discusses in a profound way a very important question. I ask everybody of the rejuvenation community: don’t miss this video, let’s spread it on YouTube, Facebook and social media, and let’s give this video the audience it needs and deserves. It’s not everyday we have such opportunity.

Does biological aging qualify as a disease? Does this affect the development of therapies that treat and prevent age-related diseases? Here’s Nicola’s take on the subject.

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Mar 12, 2020

Watching the News Can Be Traumatizing

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

The vicarious trauma is a real thing it carries on through cultural norms and also gestures. When there is a lot crime it carries on like a memetic virus through human beings. Which why we need to promote good vibes.

Viewing troubling media may lead to vicarious trauma in adults and children.

Mar 12, 2020

Universal Basic Income Has Been Tried Before. It Didn’t Work

Posted by in categories: economics, Elon Musk, government

Those calling for a government-funded universal basic income are acting as though it’s a hot new idea. It’s not. It’s been tried before—and it didn’t work.

In essence, universal basic income—also known as guaranteed minimum income—provides cash payments to all citizens, regardless of need.

Advocates range from tech billionaires Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg to libertarian scholar Charles Murray.

Mar 12, 2020

An engineered cell-laden adhesive hydrogel promotes craniofacial bone tissue regeneration in rats

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, materials

Researchers have found that homeowners who seed their lawns with a special grass mix can feed dozens of species of bees that would otherwise go hungry. So, beginning this spring, Minnesota will pay thousands of residents to plant “bee lawns” under a new state program that has attracted attention from other states. Each homeowner will get as much as $350 to do the work.

Why grass mix brings all the bees to the yard.

Mar 12, 2020

Why “Cosmos” producer Ann Druyan is optimistic about the future

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, space

Ann Druyan, who co-wrote the original 1980s series with her late husband, is back at work as this season’s executive producer, writer and director. Her book, “Cosmos: Possible Worlds,” was recently published as a companion to the series, which will be aired on March 9 at 8/7c on National Geographic. We were lucky enough to catch up with Druyan to talk more about her latest projects.

You’ve described this season of “Cosmos” as the “boldest” season yet. Can you elaborate on that, without giving too much away?

I think it’s the boldest in that it appears to present such an optimistic vision of the future, and that sets it apart, I think, in many ways from most of our entertainment. Of course, our entertainment is just a reflection of the reality we’re coping with, but this “Cosmos” is not only a vision of a magnificent future, but a vision of a magnificent future if we learn to use our science in high technology with wisdom. It’s the future we can still have and so many of the stories in both book and show are the stories of our ancestors who endured terrible situations. Every single person alive today is descended from humans who have been back to the wall repeatedly, but rose to the challenge.

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Mar 12, 2020

Why There May Be A Virtual Reality Exodus

Posted by in categories: business, virtual reality

Hi all! I hope you’re doing well and staying healthy! As a hobby, I have begun a futurist YouTube channel. I have just uploaded a video on why I personally believe that there may be an exodus to virtual reality in the future. Please take a look at it and subscribe and like it if you enjoyed the video!

Virtual reality is oftentimes the ultimate promise of science-fiction. Leaving behind the boring real-world for an exciting world that operates outside the bounds of reality is something that is promised to us by sci-fi. But does that mean that a large number of people would be willing to do that forever? Here’s why I believe they would.

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