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Mar 19, 2020

Artificial solid fog material creates pleasant laser light

Posted by in categories: computing, nanotechnology, space, transportation

With a porosity of 99.99 %, it consists practically only of air, making it one of the lightest materials in the world: Aerobornitride is the name of the material developed by an international research team led by Kiel University. The scientists assume that they have thereby created a central basis for bringing laser light into a broad application range. Based on a boron-nitrogen compound, they developed a special three-dimensional nanostructure that scatters light very strongly and hardly absorbs it. Irradiated with a laser, the material emits uniform lighting, which, depending on the type of laser, is much more efficient and powerful than LED light. Thus, lamps for car headlights, projectors or room lighting with laser light could become smaller and brighter in the future. The research team presents their results in the current issue of the renowned journal Nature Communications, which was published today.

More light in the smallest space

In research and industry, has long been considered the “next generation” of light sources that could even exceed the efficiency of LEDs (light-emitting diode). “For very bright or a lot of light, you need a large number of LEDs and thus space. But the same amount of light could also be obtained with a single diode that is one-thousandth smaller,” Dr. Fabian Schütt emphasizes the potential. The materials scientist from the working group “Functional Nanomaterials” at Kiel University is the first author of the study, which involves other researchers from Germany, England, Italy, Denmark and South Korea.

Mar 19, 2020

‘Uncharted waters:’ Kentucky gas station 1st in the nation to sell at 99 cents/gallon

Posted by in category: futurism

LONDON, Ky. — A gas station in London, Kentucky on Thursday, March 19 became the first in the nation to sell a gallon of gas for 99 cents.

GasBuddy officials confirmed via a cashier and GasBuddy users the BP gas station lowered its price to 99 cents per gallon as of about 6:30 a.m. Thursday.

GasBuddy had been anticipating this price could pop up in the Great Lakes states a week or so prior.

Mar 19, 2020

European consortium to develop compact ultraprecise optical clocks using superradiant lasers

Posted by in category: futurism

Partners in industry and academia are funded for the next three years for a total of 10 million Euros.

John Wallace

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Mar 19, 2020

Zapping our brains with magnets could help reverse memory loss

Posted by in categories: life extension, neuroscience

Circa 2019

Memory loss is usually seen as an inevitable part of ageing. But new research suggests that magnetic pulse stimulation can help older brains recover a little of their youthful vitality.

Mar 19, 2020

Some People Can Detect Earth’s Magnetic Field, Which Sounds Like a Pretty Sweet Party Trick

Posted by in category: futurism

Could some humans be able to sense the Earth’s magnetic field? Evidence suggests that in addition to quite a few animal species, humans could be—yes, this is the real term—magnetoreceptors. In a recent study, scientists conducted an experiment that measured how alpha waves interacted with a trace mineral that they believe registers magnetism.

Once upon a time, scientists thought animal magnetoreception was impossible, too. As they started to understand that birds and other animals used magnetoreception to navigate in the world, they still thought there was no way humans could do it.

Mar 19, 2020

Scientists create quantum sensor that covers entire radio frequency spectrum

Posted by in categories: military, particle physics, quantum physics

A quantum sensor could give Soldiers a way to detect communication signals over the entire radio frequency spectrum, from 0 to 100 GHz, said researchers from the Army.

Such wide spectral coverage by a single antenna is impossible with a traditional receiver system, and would require multiple systems of individual antennas, amplifiers and other components.

In 2018, Army scientists were the first in the world to create a quantum receiver that uses highly excited, super-sensitive atoms—known as Rydberg atoms—to detect communications signals, said David Meyer, a scientist at the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command’s Army Research Laboratory. The researchers calculated the receiver’s channel capacity, or rate of data transmission, based on , and then achieved that performance experimentally in their lab—improving on other groups’ results by orders of magnitude, Meyer said.

Mar 19, 2020

A Surprising Breakthrough Will Allow Tiny Implants to Fix – and Even Upgrade – Your Body

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing

Known as an ion-gated transistor (IGT), the new class of technology effectively melds electronics with molecules of human skin.

But wait, you no longer need any of those, since you recently got one of the new biomed implants — a device that integrates seamlessly with body tissues, because of a watershed breakthrough that happened in the early 2020s. It’s an improved biological transistor driven by electrically charged particles that move in and out of your own cells. Like insulin pumps and cardiac pacemakers, the medical implants of the future will go where they are needed, on or inside the body.

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Mar 19, 2020

Coronavirus Reality Check: Yes, U.S. And EU Will Track Our Smartphone Location Data—Get Used To It

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, mobile phones, surveillance

Here’s the surveillance reality in a time of real crisis—ultimately, you do whatever it takes.

Mar 19, 2020

Swiss hospitals face collapse in 10 days if virus keeps spreading

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, government, health

ZURICH (Reuters) — Switzerland’s health care system could collapse by the end of the month if the new coronavirus keeps spreading at current rates, a government official warned on Tuesday.

Swiss authorities estimated that 2,650 people had tested positive for the coronavirus and said 19 people had died, while predicting cases will likely soar in the weeks ahead.

Exact figures were unavailable. Daniel Koch, head of the Federal Office of Health’s communicable diseases division, said the rapid rise had outstripped the state’s ability to record new cases in real time.

Mar 19, 2020

If Americans used bidets fifteen million trees could be saved

Posted by in categories: energy, transportation

Justin Thomas considers bidets to be “a key green technology” because they eliminate the use of toilet paper. According to his analysis, Americans use 36.5 billion rolls of toilet paper every year, representing the pulping of some 15 million trees. Says Thomas: “This also involves 473,587,500,000 gallons of water to produce the paper and 253,000 tons of chlorine for bleaching.” He adds that manufacturing requires about 17.3 terawatts of electricity annually and that significant amounts of energy and materials are used in packaging and in transportation to retail outlets.

That’s a lot of water, far more than is actually used by the bidet itself.

toto toiletLloyd Alter/ toto toilet with washlet/CC BY 2.0