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Mar 31, 2020

Universal cancer blood test detects and locates 50 types of tumors

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Cancer is one of humanity’s leading killers, and the main reason for that is it’s often hard to detect until it’s too late. But that might be about to change. Researchers have developed a new type of AI-powered blood test that can accurately detect over 50 different types of cancer and even identify where it is in the body.

There are just so many types of cancer that it’s virtually impossible to keep an eye out for all of them through routine tests. Instead, the disease usually isn’t detected until doctors begin specifically looking for it, after a patient experiences symptoms. And in many cases, by then it can be too late.

Ideally, there would be a routine test patients can undergo that would flag any type of cancer that may be budding in the body, giving treatment the best shot of being successful. And that’s just what the new study is working towards.

Mar 31, 2020

Two more astronauts join SpaceX’s first crewed mission to the ISS

Posted by in category: space travel

Two more astronauts have been assigned to the first operational crewed flight of SpaceX’s Crew Dragon on a mission to the International Space Station (ISS). NASA astronaut Shannon Walker and Noguchi Soichi, of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), will join NASA astronauts Michael Hopkins and Victor Glover Jr., who were assigned to the mission in 2018. If all goes according to plan, this will be the first in a series of regular Crew Dragon flights to the ISS, NASA said in a press release.

Mar 31, 2020

OneWeb goes bankrupt, lays off staff, will sell satellite-broadband business

Posted by in category: business

OneWeb says pandemic ended chance of getting enough funding for full launch.

Mar 31, 2020

Here’s SpaceX’s plan to help NASA build a moon Gateway and explore space

Posted by in category: space travel

The company is developing an all-new capsule.

Mar 31, 2020

Unearthing gut secret paves way for targeted treatments

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Scientists at Flinders University have, for the first time, identified a specific type of sensory nerve ending in the gut and how these may ‘talk’ to the spinal cord, communicating pain or discomfort to the brain.

This discovery is set to inform the development of new medications to treat problems associated with gut-to-brain communication, paving the way for targeted treatments to mitigate related dysfunction.

While our understanding of the gut’s neurosensory abilities has grown rapidly in recent years, two of the great mysteries have been where and how the different types of sensory nerve endings in the gut lie, and how they are activated.

Mar 31, 2020

How stress remodels the brain

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Stress restructures the brain by halting the production of crucial ion channel proteins, according to research in mice recently published in JNeurosci.

Stress harms the brain and body in profound ways. One way is by altering astrocytes, the brain’s housekeepers tasked with mopping up neurotransmitters after they’ve been released into the synapse. On the cellular level, stress causes the branches of astrocytes to retract from the synapses they wrap around.

Bender et al. investigated what controlled astrocyte changes after mice experienced exposure to the urine of a fox, their natural predator. This single stressful event caused quick but long-lasting retraction of the astrocyte’s branches. Stress induces this change by halting the production of GluA1, an essential subunit of glutamate receptors. During a stressful event, the stress hormone norepinephrine suppresses a molecular pathway that normally culminates in the protein synthesis of GluA1. Without functional GluA1 or glutamate receptors, neurons and astrocytes lose their ability to communicate with each other.

Mar 31, 2020

ESA Prepares To Nudge BepiColombo Towards Mercury

Posted by in category: space travel

European Space Agency (ESA) flight engineers are going to social distance at work in order to fine-tune the BepiColombo spacecraft’s trajectory to the planet Mercury.

Mar 31, 2020

Study shows potential for using fiber-optic networks to assess ground motions during earthquakes

Posted by in category: futurism

A new study from a University of Michigan researcher and colleagues at three institutions demonstrates the potential for using existing networks of buried optical fibers as an inexpensive observatory for monitoring and studying earthquakes.

Mar 31, 2020

Mind-reading AI turns thoughts into words using a brain implant

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI

An artificial intelligence can accurately translate thoughts into sentences, at least for a limited vocabulary of 250 words. The system may bring us a step closer to restoring speech to people who have lost the ability because of paralysis.

Joseph Makin at the University of California, San Francisco, and his colleagues used deep learning algorithms to study the brain signals of four women as they spoke. The women, who all have epilepsy, already had electrodes attached to their brains to monitor seizures.

Mar 31, 2020

BREAKING: FDA Issues Emergency Authorization for Hydroxychloroquine to be Prescribed to Coronavirus Patients

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

** On Saturday Dr. Vladimir Zelenko reported that he has now successfully treated 699 COVID-19 patients in New York for the coronavirus. Dr. Zelenko reported 100 percent success using a cocktail of drugs: hydroxychloroquine, in combination with azithromycin (Z-Pak), an antibiotic to treat secondary infections, and zinc sulfate.

** On Friday night the French research team led by the renowned epidemiologist Dr. Didier Raoult was able to repeat his findings from a previous study. Dr. Raoult administered hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to 80 patients and observed improvement in EVERY CASE except for a very sick 86-year-old with an advanced form of coronavirus infection.

On Sunday night the FDA issued an emergency authorization for hydroxychloroquine to be prescribed to coronavirus patients.