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Mar 20, 2020

Gravitational effects on the Higgs field within the Solar System

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics, space

Abstract: The Higgs mechanism predicts, apart from the existence of a new scalar boson, the presence of a constant Higgs field that permeates all of space. The vacuum expectation value (VEV) of this field is affected by quantum corrections which are mainly generated by the self-interactions and couplings of the Higgs field to gauge bosons and heavy quarks. In this work we show that gravity can affect, in a non-trivial way, these quantum corrections through the finite parts of the one-loop contributions to the effective potential. In particular, we consider the corrections generated by the Standard Model Higgs self-interactions in slowly-varying weak gravitational backgrounds. The obtained results amount to the existence of non-negligible inhomogeneities in the Higgs VEV. Such inhomogeneities translate into spatial variations of the particle masses, and in particular of the proton-to-electron mass ratio. We find that these Higgs perturbations in our Solar System are controlled by the Eddington parameter, and are absent in pure General Relativity. Yet, they may be present in modified gravity theories. This predicted effect may be constrained by atomic clocks or high-resolution spectroscopic measurements, which could allow to improve current limits on modifications of Einstein’s gravity.

Mar 20, 2020

Elusive Higgs Mode Created in Exotic Materials

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics

Two teams of physicists have created the “Higgs mode” – a link between particle physics and the physics of matter. The work could help researchers understand the strange behavior of deeply quantum systems.

Mar 20, 2020

There’s an unlikely beneficiary of coronavirus: The planet

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Factories were shuttered and streets were cleared across China’s Hubei province as authorities ordered residents to stay home to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

It seems the lockdown had an unintended benefit — blue skies.

The average number of “good quality air days” increased 21.5% in February, compared to the same period last year, according to China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

Mar 20, 2020

Coronavirus could cause fall in global CO2 emissions

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, government, policy, sustainability

Responses to outbreak also show how government policy and behavioural changes can have impact.

Mar 20, 2020

World’s Fastest Supercomputer Finds 77 Potential COVID-19 Treatments

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, supercomputing

IBM’s Summit is currently the fastest supercomputer in the world.

Mar 20, 2020

Japanese flu drug ‘clearly effective’ in treating coronavirus, says China

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Shares in Fujifilm Toyama Chemical, which developed favipiravir, surged after praise by Chinese official following clinical trials.

Mar 20, 2020

Dutch Company Reveals An Electric Car That Charges Itself With Sunlight

Posted by in categories: sustainability, transportation

A Dutch company from Eindhoven has released a prototype car called Lightyear One, that won the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge, being the very first long-range solar car in the world. It has already sold 100 orders to be filled in 2011 and is a four-passenger vehicle.

Mar 20, 2020

International Missing Children’s Day: Eight million kids disappear around the world every year

Posted by in category: cosmology

This I believe is not a human problem but possibly alien phenomenon as some disappear with no trace even on earth but maybe somewhere else in the universe or multiverse.

It’s though that around 800,000 children will go missing in the US alone.

Mar 20, 2020

The New US Dollar

Posted by in category: media & arts

ON DECK: Polymer Gold Backed USTN~Series 2021 ❤️

The new US dollar banknote design.

Continue reading “The New US Dollar” »

Mar 20, 2020

Check Out The Senators Who Voted Against the Coronavirus Relief Package on Wednesday

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Marsha Blackburn (R-TN); Jim Inhofe (R-OK); James Lankford (R-OK); Mike Lee (R-UT); Rand Paul (R-KY); Ben Sasse (R-NE); Tim Scott (R-SC), and Ron Johnson (R-WI).

Also presented without comment: Sasse and Inhofe will run for re-election this fall.