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A scary prediction of our near future when acquiesce to government authority will be tracked, much like a credit score, by central authorities intent on controlling our every action and thought.

Here’s a scary vision of our future, based on the Chinese social credit model, from Bertelsmann Stiggung, an independent foundation under private law based in Gütersloh, Germany with offices in Washington DC and Barcelona Spain.

For more, check out the Berttelsmann Stiggung blog, focused on the European Union.

Robo maid I like my coffee light and sweet.

Robots from Japan: the new Toyota robot, giant robot, robot waiter and other technology news 2020. High Technology News 2020. Science and Technology News 2020. The newest and coolest robots from Japan and around the world.

In this issue:
0:00 Introduction.
0:29 Home robots from Toyota Research Institute.
1:29 Toyota robotic grip.
2:06 barista robot from OrionStar.
3:17 Japanese robot avatar Model-T
4:16 giant robot Gundam.
4:58 robot waiter Servi.
5:28 OSIRIS-REx space robot.
6:08 system to create realistic humanoid robots Mesmer.
6:50 new 3D printing method for artificial muscles and wearable devices.
7:35 walking robot excavator Menzi Muck M545
8:05 full warehouse automation.
8:50 MK-IV Hexapod research robot.
9:13 palm payment system Amazon One.
9:50 flying suit for paramedics.
10:31 a robot that will make you an omelette.

More interesting and useful content:
✅ Elon Musk Innovation
✅Future Technologies Reviews
✅ Technology news.

#prorobots #technology #roboticsnews.

Nearly two years ago, Chmielewski underwent a 10-hour brain surgery at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore as part of a clinical trial originally spearheaded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and leveraging advanced prosthetic limbs developed by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. Its goal was to allow participants to control [assistive devices](, and enable perception of physical stimuli (touching the limbs) using neurosignals from the brain. Surgeons implanted six electrode arrays into both sides of his brain, and within months he was able to demonstrate, for the first time, simultaneous control of two of the [prosthetic limbs]( through a brain-machine interface developed by APL.

For more than 30 years—following an accident in his teens—Robert “Buz” Chmielewski has been a quadriplegic with minimal movement and feeling in his hands and fingers. But last month he was able to manipulate two prosthetic arms with his brain and feed himself dessert.

Buz’s accomplishment marks a big step toward restoring function and autonomy for patients affected by an illness or injury that results in the partial or total loss of use of all four limbs and torso.

“It’s pretty cool,” said Chmielewski, whose sense of accomplishment was unmistakable after using his thoughts to command the robotic limbs to cut and feed him a piece of golden sponge cake. “I wanted to be able to do more of it,” he said.

I have added English and Spanish subtitles to my recent talk at the MadridSingularity Meetup, about the foundation and development of Alianza Futurista in Spain, and “What Is Transhumanism?”, the theme of the forum on December 19. Enjoy!

19 de diciembre, 2020
Meetup de MadridSingularity: ¿Qué es el transhumanismo?

Ponencia de sergio martínez de lahidalga tarrero, presidente de alianza futurista.

University of rochester — working at the intersection of aging, DNA repair, and cancer.

Dr. Vera Gorbunova is the Doris Johns Cherry Professor, in the Department of Biology, and Co-director, Rochester Aging Research Center, at University of Rochester.

Her research is focused on understanding the mechanisms of longevity and genome stability and on the studies of exceptionally long-lived mammals.

Dr. Gorbunova earned her B.Sc. degrees at Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, and her Ph.D. at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.

Dr. Gorbunova was instrumental in pioneering the comparative biology approach to studying aging and identifying rules that control the evolution of tumor suppressor mechanisms depending on the species lifespan and body mass.

This robot + AI is meant to give users the bad news in a gentle way. It’s sense of timing may be off though. 😃

User Testing

In a test with 12 students, Irony Man was deemed more likable than conventional robots. But Irony Man’s inability to know when to use irony could backfire.

“The robot is not yet able to determine whether and when there is a good moment to employ irony,” André said. “It may happen that the robot generates a funny utterance, but the user is irritated.”

😃 Well, at least fossil-fuel emissions went down.

Global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel and industry are expected to drop by 7% in 2020, new analysis shows, as economies around the world feel the effects of Covid-19 lockdowns.

The latest estimates from the Global Carbon Project (GCP) suggest that these emissions will clock in at 34bn tonnes of CO2 (GtCO2) this year – a fall of 2.4GtCO2 compared to 2019.

This annual decline is the largest absolute drop in emissions ever recorded, the researchers say, and the largest relative fall since the second world war.

The article describes how a college student was able to use GPT-3 to write articles for him. And it seems very few thought that these articles were AI generated. 😃

He notes that the barrier to entry is very easy. And you can make a lot of clickbait articles form them. Some people also note that it can be weaponized for misinformation.

“It was super easy actually,” he says, “which was the scary part.”