Atomically thin, 2-D hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is a promising material whose protean ability to undergo phase transformations to strong, super lightweight, chemically stable, oxidation-resistant films makes them ideal for protective coatings, nanotechnology thermal applications, deep-UV light emitters, and much more.
Boston Dynamics event on Feb. 22021.
We’re excited to reveal the latest in Spot’s expanded product line. Join us live on Tuesday, February 2nd @ 11 am EST, to hear how these products will extend Spot’s value for autonomous inspection and data collection.
Draft Congress report claims AI will make fewer mistakes than humans and lead to reduced casualties.
The first private space flight led by Axiom with SpaceX is set to take off next year to the ISS during an eight day mission, carrying three civilians who each paid $55 million for their seat.
Not only does the research suggest humans wouldn’t be able to control machines — we may not even know when superintelligent machines have arrived.
Fast-forwarding quantum calculations skips past the time limits imposed by decoherence, which plagues today’s machines.
A new algorithm that fast forwards simulations could bring greater use ability to current and near-term quantum computers, opening the way for applications to run past strict time limits that hamper many quantum calculations.
“Quantum computers have a limited time to perform calculations before their useful quantum nature, which we call coherence, breaks down,” said Andrew Sornborger of the Computer, Computational, and Statistical Sciences division at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and senior author on a paper announcing the research. “With a new algorithm we have developed and tested, we will be able to fast forward quantum simulations to solve problems that were previously out of reach.”
Indoor farms are bringing the change! 😃
Based in Appalachia, Kentucky, AppHarvet’s cutting edge indoor farms have delivered their first harvest of tomatoes to grocery stores.