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VANCOUVER, CANADA and WEST PERTH, AUSTRALIA – Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ: BLDP; TSX: BLDP) today announced that it has signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Global Energy Ventures (ASX: GEV; – a provider of integrated compressed shipping solutions for the transportation of energy to regional markets, headquartered in Australia – for the development of a new fuel cell-powered ship, called C-H2 Ship, designed to transport compressed green hydrogen.

GEV Captioned

The power required for a small-scale demonstration of the C-H2 Ship is expected to be under 10 megawatts (MW). At full scale, the C-H2 Ship will have a propulsion power requirement of approximately 26MW, and a containment system for storage of 2000 tons of compressed green hydrogen.

GEV will be responsible for design approvals, development, financing, and operation of C-H2 Ship, along with integration of the required power system. Ballard will be responsible for design of the fuel cell system for the C-H2 Ship, based on its FCwaveTM technology, and will assist GEV with integration of the fuel cell system into the vessel’s design. Ballard’s FCwaveTM system will obtain its hydrogen fuel from the compressed green hydrogen stored onboard and transported by the vessel.

In a new report on Science Advances, Mark Elowitz, and a team of scientists in physical sciences, optical physics, planetary science and radiation research in the U.S., U.K., India, and Taiwan, presented the first analysis of far-ultraviolet reflectance spectra of regions on Rhea’s leading and trailing hemispheres—as collected by the Cassini ultraviolet imaging spectrograph during targeted flybys. In this work, they specifically aimed to explain the unidentified broad absorption feature centered near 184 nanometers of the resulting spectra. Using laboratory measurements of the UV spectroscopy of a set of molecules, Elowitz et al. found a good fit to Rhea’s spectra with both hydrazine monohydrate and several chlorine-containing molecules. They showed hydrazine monohydrate to be the most plausible candidate to explain the absorption feature at 184 nm.

Computer-aided calculations have played a crucial part in producing the proofs of several high-profile results. And more recently, some mathematicians have made progress towards AI that doesn’t just perform repetitive calculations, but develops its own proofs. Another growing area has been software that can go over a mathematical proof written by humans and check that it is correct.

Algorithm named after mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan suggests interesting formulae, some of which are difficult to prove true.

At the heart of the development of AI appears to be a search for perfection. And it could be just as dangerous to humanity as the one that came from philosophical and pseudoscientific ideas of the 19th and early 20th centuries and led to the horrors of colonialism, world war and the Holocaust. Instead of a human ruling “master race”, we could end up with a machine one.

Property rights of some type are needed in space to establish reliable operations based there, Yet the 1967 Outer Space Treaty is a huge challenge to this. See the countries that did not sign the 1967 outer space treaty, Credit to the L5 Society for stopping the moon treaty, See an introductory talk on what we can do about this. Also see that Asgardia was NOT the first space nation!

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Tensions are flaring between the powers of the world evoking many to ponder the worst. Yet some are already wondering how to manage a path to peace. Looks like that consideration needs a bit more work! Watch and find out!

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