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Author(s): Jesus Rodriguez Originally published on Towards AI. Created Using IdeogramI recently started an AI-focused educational newsletter, that already has over 170,000 subscribers. TheSequence is a no-BS (meaning no hype, no news, etc) ML-oriented newsletter that takes 5 minutes to read. The goal is to keep you up to date with machine learning projects, research papers, and concepts. Please give it a try by subscribing below:

DNA repair and DNA damage signaling pathways are critical for the maintenance of genomic stability.

In this review, Hopkins et al. review the major classes of DNA repair and damage signaling defects in cancer, the genomic instability that they give rise to, and therapeutic strategies to exploit the resulting vulnerabilities. They also discuss the impacts of DNA repair defects on both targeted therapy and immunotherapy, and highlight emerging principles for targeting DNA repair defects in cancer therapy.

“Solar system formation models using the new solar composition successfully reproduce the compositions of large Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) and carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, in light of the newly returned Ryugu and Bennu asteroid samples from JAXA’s Hayabusa-2 and NASA’s OSIRIS-REx missions.”

To make this discovery, the team combined new measurements of solar neutrinos and data about the solar wind composition from NASA’s Genesis mission, together with the abundance of water found in primitive meteorites that originated in the . They also used the densities of large KBOs such as Pluto and its moon Charon, as determined by NASA’s New Horizons mission.

“This work provides testable predictions for future helioseismology, solar neutrino and cosmochemical measurements, including future comet sample return missions,” Truong said.

Intel is planning to launch its next-gen Arc Battlemage desktop GPUs next month, competing in the mid-range segment against Intel & AMD.

Intel Expected To Reveal Decisive Information Around Arc Battlemage “Desktop” GPUs Next Month, Setting The Tone For Next-Gen GPU Markets

Although Intel’s first-gen Arc Desktop GPUs saw little success in the gaming segment, the next-gen is now planned for an unveiling next month.

A research team from the University of Basel has succeeded in synthesizing simple, environmentally sensitive cells complete with artificial organelles. For the first time, the researchers have also been able to emulate natural cell-cell communication using these protocells—based on the model of photoreceptors in the eye. This opens up new possibilities for basic research and applications in medicine.