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Astronomers have found the first Jupiter-like exoplanet with no clouds or haze. It’s an ideal object for further study with the James Webb Space Telescope.

Can you picture Jupiter without any observable clouds or haze? It isn’t easy since Jupiter’s latitudinal cloud bands and its Great Red Spot are iconic visual features in our Solar System. Those features are caused by upswelling and descending gas, mostly ammonia. After Saturn’s rings, Jupiter’s cloud forms are probably the most recognizable feature in the Solar System.

Now astronomers with the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) have found a planet similar in mass to Jupiter, but with a cloud-free atmosphere.

78% respondents said they were comfortable interacting with AI for business-related queries.

Artificial intelligence has come of age. Customers in the country seem to prefer to get responses from a machine than interacting with humans. The reason, according to a survey, answers given by an AI-system is backed with voluminous data that it crunches to deliver right responses.

A study commissioned by Pegasystems, a Nasdaq-listed digital transformation solutions company, has found that 60 per cent of people in the country are more likely to tell the truth to an AI system or chatbot as compared to a human, Suman Reddy, Managing Director of Pega India, told BusinessLine.

You may have heard of Autophagy, it was the beneficiary of a Nobel Prize in 2016 and has been a hot topic since then.

It is credited with such amazing benefits as removing toxic proteins from cells such as which cause Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, recycling residual proteins, providing energy and building blocks for cells that could still benefit from repair, prompting regeneration for healthy cells, and it may also help with cancer prevention.

People are continually interested in creative ways to get rid of waste. The world has too much of it, so how could technology solve that problem by addressing another need? Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are an emerging possibility.

The processes used by many forward-thinking companies center on converting waste into hydrogen energy. Here’s a look at what the future may hold.

Waste-to-Energy Projects Are Happening