Seems very biased, but worth a glance.
“Misfired” neurons might be a brain feature, not a bug — and that’s something AI research can’t take into account.
Seems very biased, but worth a glance.
“Misfired” neurons might be a brain feature, not a bug — and that’s something AI research can’t take into account.
Intel exploits the obvious hole in the Ryzen product stack.
Our encoding tests include benchmarks that respond best to single-threaded performance, like the quintessential LAME and FLAC examples, but the SVT-AV1 and SVT-HEVC tests represent a newer class of threaded encoders.
Intel’s Core i5-11400 takes the lead over its similarly-priced competitors in the LAME benchmark, while we see a near-tie across the board in FLAC. We see larger gains for the 11400 in the threaded SVT-AV1 and HEVC encoder tests, but only after we lifted the power limits and used a more powerful cooler.
Switching gears to HandBrake, which we test in both AVX-light x264 and AVX-heavy x265 flavors, shows that the Core i5-11400, again with the right cooler and lifted power limits, can beat the Ryzen 3000 chips. But the deltas are slim.
ALAMEDA, California — Rocket builder Astra wants to simplify the launch business, with the soon-to-be-public company on a quest to both cut manufacturing costs while dramatically increasing the number of launches to a daily rate.
Astra is preparing to go public by the end of June through a merger with SPAC Holicity, in a deal that will infuse as much as $500 million capital into the company. In the meantime, Astra is expanding its headquarters on the San Francisco Bay while the company prepares for its next launch this summer.
A SPAC, or special purpose acquisition company, raises capital in an initial public offering and uses the proceeds to buy a private firm and take it public.
Neuralink President Max Hodak tweeted Saturday that he has left the company he co-founded with Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. Hodak didn’t elaborate on why he left the company or elaborate on the circumstance for his departure. “I am no longer at Neuralink (as of a few weeks ago),” he tweeted. “I learned a ton there and remain a huge cheerleader for the company! Onward to new things.”
✨Some personal news:✨ I am no longer at Neuralink (as of a few weeks ago). I learned a ton there and remain a huge cheerleader for the company! Onward to new things.— Max Hodak (@max_hodak) May 1, 2021
Neuralink is focused on developing brain-machine interfaces. Last month, the company posted a video to YouTube that appeared to show a monkey with a Neuralink implant in its brain moving a cursor on a computer screen using only its mind.
“For those of you enrolled in our frequent flyer program, you’ve earned 68 million miles on this voyage,” SpaceX’s Mission Control radioed.
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — SpaceX safely returned four astronauts from the International Space Station on Sunday, making the first U.S. crew splashdown in darkness since the Apollo 8 moonshot.
The Dragon capsule parachuted into the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Panama City, Florida, just before 3 a.m., ending the second astronaut flight for Elon Musk’s company.
It was an express trip home, lasting just 6 1/2 hours.
Future movie making. Planning your movies years before filming.
Editor’s Note: Previs is a collaboration between previs artists, directors, producers, and other department heads. Directors have a role in guiding and producing the previs, and some furnish the storyboarding materials on which previs is based.
We talked to Hollywood’s busiest visualization studio, The Third Floor, to find out why visualization is the secret MVP of Marvel movies.
The Third Floor is one of the world’s top visualization studios and has worked on 19 of the 23 installments in Marvel’s “Infinity Saga.” From previs and stuntvis to techvis and postvis, The Third Floor’s work on Marvel movies runs through the entire production process. The first previsualizations of a Marvel film can begin well in advance of its release date, often before the screenplay is fully finished. Find out how Marvel visualizes its movies years before filmmaking and how this practice has helped the MCU rise its position of box-office dominance today.
The Third Floor has done visualization work for 2010’s “Iron Man 2″; 2011’s “Thor” and “Captain America: The First Avenger”; 2012’s “The Avengers”; 2013’s “Iron Man 3″ and “Thor: The Dark World”; 2014’s “The Amazing Spider-Man 2″ and “Guardians of the Galaxy”; 2015’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “Ant-Man”; 2016’s “Captain America: Civil War” and “Doctor Strange”; 2017’s “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” “Thor: Ragnarok,” and “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2″; 2018’s “Avengers: Infinity War,” “Deadpool 2,” “Ant-Man and the Wasp,” and “Venom”; and 2019’s “Captain Marvel,” “Avengers: Endgame,” and “Spider-Man: Far from Home.”
The superb skills and sharp mind of a workers, who welded China’s space station core module, guaranteed its successful launch.!language=1
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The Enten headphones, which uses a smartphone app, have been developed by US firm Neurable. They can create music playlists based on which songs seem to help the user concentrate dailystar.
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Are the space junk and carbon footprint issues of extra-terrestrial endeavours solvable?
Summary: Too much salt can disrupt the energy balance of immune cells and prevent them from functioning correctly.
Source: MDC
For many of us, adding salt to a meal is a perfectly normal thing to do. We don’t really think about it. But actually, we should. As well as raising our blood pressure, too much salt can severely disrupt the energy balance in immune cells and stop them from working properly.