Deer can regrow their antlers, and humans can replace their liver. What else might be possible?
Now, researchers have revealed that colistin punches holes in bacteria, causing them to pop like balloons. The work, funded by the Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust, and published in the journal eLife, also identified a way of making the antibiotic more effective at killing bacteria.
Scientists have revealed how an antibiotic of ‘last resort’ kills bacteria.
The findings, from Imperial College London and the University of Texas, may also reveal a potential way to make the antibiotic more powerful.
The antibiotic colistin has become a last resort treatment for infections caused by some of the world’s nastiest superbugs. However, despite being discovered over 70 years ago, the process by which this antibiotic kills bacteria has, until now, been something of a mystery.
NASA recently ran a ground test for the propulsion system on their Gateway lunar orbiter. It’ll allow the future space station to explore the Moon.
The same type of rocket crashed into West Africa and the Atlantic Ocean in May 2020, possibly damaging an inhabited village.
Billy Hurley, Digital Editorial Manager.
Metal-air batteries are light, compact power sources with a high energy density, but they have had a major limitation: They corrode.
A new design from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology uses oil to reduce the corrosion and extend the shelf life of single-use metal-air batteries.
Making a Solenoid Boxer 4 Engine
Posted in futurism
In this video I’m making a 4 cylinder solenoid boxer engine.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!
00:00 making the Cylinder.
01:34 making the Pistons.
02:59 winding the Copper wire.
03:10 testing the Solenoid.
03:24 making the Crankshaft.
06:26 making the Connecting rod.
08:37 making the Engine frame.
10:24 installing the Bearing by the press fit.
12:03 making the Back Flywheel.
14:03 making the Front Flywheel.
15:27 making the Wood base.
16:32 assembling the parts.
18:37 showing the finished engine.
19:36 checking the rpm.
Thank you for watching smile
If you have any questions, please leave them on the comments below!
New symptoms for the disease now include “chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and new loss of taste or smell,” the CDC said.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has tripled the number of coronavirus symptoms it lists on its website.
The federal organization previously listed fever, cough and shortness of breath as symptoms of COVID-19. The CDC has added six additional symptoms as people “have had a wide range of symptoms reported,” it says on its website.
The Virgin Galactic spaceship, VSS Imagine has been unveiled, revealing a more modular spacecraft designed to resolve challenges.
“For us to make the business start to scale, at the places that we’re aspiring towards, we need two things,” says Virgin Galactic CEO Michael Colglazier. “We need many more ships than we have right now and we also need the ships that we bring forward to be built in a way that they’re able to be maintained in a way that we can have much quicker than what we have with Unity.” In order to achieve those two elements of success, Virgin Atlantic has unveiled their latest spacecraft, the VSS Imagine. The new addition to the fleet is the third spacecraft built by Virgin Galactic and “has been designed in a way that’s taken the learnings we’ve had from all the flight testing on Unity.”
Tesla explained how it pivoted to avoid the global microchip shortage that Intel now says could last for several more years.
The pandemic has resulted in an increase in demand for many electronics and computers that the supply chain couldn’t handle, especially the semiconductor industry.
This microchip shortage, in turn, affected the automotive industry, which has increasingly become a big consumer of microchips.
Summary: Morning bright light therapy improved both physical and mental health symptoms, including cognitive function and sleep quality, in veterans who suffered TBI.
Source: Experimental Biology.
A new study by researchers at the VA Portland Health Care System in Oregon found that augmenting traditional treatment for traumatic brain injury (TBI) with morning bright light therapy (MBLT) improved physical and mental symptoms for participants.