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Jan 17, 2021
NASA’s Juno has a new mission to explore moons of Jupiter
Posted by Genevieve Klien in category: space
Jan 17, 2021
Xicato extends SSL-engine lumen and color warranty to ten years
Posted by Quinn Sena in category: futurism
Cold or remote phosphor techniques enable Xicato to back its LED light engine for ten years even with tight initial photometric specifications.
Jan 17, 2021
Why Goodyear’s Illuminated Tires Were Way Ahead of Their Time
Posted by Quinn Sena in category: futurism
Eighteen bulbs were stuffed into the center of the wheel, brightly illuminating the 1950s with brilliant hues for the pure purpose of flair.
Jan 17, 2021
Creating Opportunities through education, technology and empowerment in Africa W/Brenda Ramokoplewa
Posted by Brent Ellman in categories: education, futurism
In this edition of Future Discussions Ugochukwu discusses with the Head of TAFFD’s Africa on the vision and strategies for creating opportunities for education, technology and empowerment in Africa using the global channel that TAFFDs Africa is creating.
Brenda talks about why she joined TAFFD’s Inc and the amazing work she and her team has been doing to foster the progress of Africa. She equally talks about the 4th Industrial Revolution, what is means for Africa and the work TAFFD’s Africa is doing to prepare young Africans to leverage the opportunities therein.
Jan 17, 2021
The Physical Effects of Living in Space Could Create a New Human Species
Posted by Lola Heavey in categories: biotech/medical, sex
The Moon and Mars are remote and forbidding but it’s fairly easy to turn their soil into construction material and mine it for water to drink and oxygen to breathe.
Several astronauts have spent more than a year in zero gravity, and they experienced muscle loss, brittle bones and difficulties with vision. A space station could be spun up to ameliorate these problems, and for colonists on the Moon and Mars, gravity would be reduced, not absent. Their capillaries and cardiovascular systems would adjust, and muscle mass would be shed.
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Jan 17, 2021
Complementary hybrid PV systems can reduce reliance on storage
Posted by Raphael Ramos in category: futurism
Looking back over years of research into the topic of hybrid systems based on different combinations of solar, wind, hydro and other renewables, an international group of scientists found strong potential for strategies to exploit complementarity between the different sources integrate more intermittent renewables onto regional and national grids. The scientists present a series of conclusions and recommendations that aim to push research in hybrid renewables forward.
Jan 17, 2021
New skin gel ‘proven’ to heal chronic pain
Posted by John Davies in categories: innovation, life extension
A breakthrough skin-gel is showing promising signs in Australian trials, with the ability to halt chronic pain in its tracks, halve healing time and even turn back the clock on ageing skin.
The gel, which is known as RM191A, is believed to be a new class of anti-inflammatory.
It’s a copper-based compound which is applied directly to the skin as a topical.
Jan 17, 2021
Sustainable Village of The Future
Posted by Raphael Ramos in categories: food, habitats, sustainability
This eco village is 100% self-sufficient