Internet sleuths solved it in 6 hours!
NASA hid a secret message on the parachute that landed its Perseverance rover down on the surface of Mars last week.
Internet sleuths solved it in 6 hours!
NASA hid a secret message on the parachute that landed its Perseverance rover down on the surface of Mars last week.
Astronomers think they’ve finally detected the long-hidden, sought-after neutron star remnant at the center of the nearby Supernova 1987A.
Astronomers think they’ve detected long-hidden neutron star remnant at the central core of the nearby Supernova 1987A.
Posted in physics, robotics/AI
Bronstein’s paper highlighted how research in many scientific fields such as computational social science, sensors network, physics, and healthcare calls for exploring non-Euclidean data.
Code of the Wild (Documentary) at Hello Tomorrow in Paris. to watch the trailer and explore the film.
George Church, Antonio Regalado, and Josiah Zayner discuss designer babies, moratorium on human germ line engineering, and the future of the genomic revolution with Jane Metcalfe, co-founder of Wired Magizine and founder of Neolife (
A team of researchers at Universität Stuttgart has developed an ion-optics-based quantum microscope that is capable of creating images of individual atoms. In their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the group explains how they built their microscope and how well it worked when tested.
Posted in encryption, robotics/AI
Privacy remains an issue, because artificial intelligence requires data to learn patterns and make decisions. But researchers are developing methods to use our data without actually seeing it — so-called federated learning, for example — or encrypt it in ways that currently can’t be hacked.
Many of us already live with artificial intelligence now, but researchers say interactions with the technology will become increasingly personalized.
Whoever manages it first, we are on the cusp of a new age sparked by fusion giving more than it gets (producing more energy than it uses), then miniaturization for practical use and mass manufacture. That would essentially mean that we have access to an infinite, cheap, safe, and clean energy source. No more coal. No more nuclear waste. Massively less global warming. Even better, given the fact that the world runs on an energy economy built around energy scarcity, we will essentially become a post-scarcity civilization. And THAT my friends is a permanent, impossible to overstate game changer. For EVERYTHING and EVERYONE — FOREVER.
But first, scientists need to see if it’s ready.
If we can take just a fraction of the time that’s spent gaming, and make it useful for science, then that’s practically a limitless resource.
The idea of citizen science isn’t a new one. Amateur scientists have been making important discoveries as far back as Ug the Neolithic hunter and her ‘wheel’, while even Newton, Franklin, and Darwin were self-funded for part of their careers, and Herschel discovered Uranus while employed as a musician. It’s only from the late 20th century that it’s crystallised into what we know today, with the North American Butterfly Association using its members to count the popular winged insects since 1975. Zooniverse has users classify images to identify stellar wind bubbles, track coronal mass ejections, and determine the shape of galaxies. Then there’s Folding@Home and other cloud computing projects—they count too.
How virtual artworks allow you to see anything from the sun to a giant spider in your own home.
Using a method called quantum annealing, D-Wave’s researchers demonstrated that a quantum computational advantage could be achieved over classical means.