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Aug 30, 2020

EU revives plans for mandatory quotas of women on company boards

Posted by in category: futurism

The European Union executive is reviving plans for mandatory quotas of women on company boards, amid slowing progress towards gender equality among top management.

The EU commissioner for equality, Helena Dalli, told journalists that quotas “can be a very ugly word” but were also “a necessary evil, in the sense we have to use quotas because otherwise we will wait another 100 years for things to change by themselves”.

European-listed firms could face fines if fewer than 40% of their non-executive board seats are taken by women.

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Aug 30, 2020

Top longevity scientists views on radical life extension

Posted by in categories: biological, life extension

Excerpts of talks and interviews on biological radical life extension given by some of the world top longevity scientists.
The compendium includes thoughts, predictions and claims made by the following longevity leaders (listed in alphabetical order):
Aubrey de Grey, PhD:
David Sinclair, PhD:
George Church, PhD:
Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte, PhD:
María Blasco Marhuenda, PhD:

I added embedded subtitles in English when scientists speak in Spanish.
For subtitles in Spanish when scientists speak in English, just choose the option in Youtube to add the subtitles in Spanish I created.

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Aug 30, 2020

Which Lunar vehicle would you rather cruise in on the moon? SpaceX or NASA? 🚗😎

Posted by in category: space travel

Aug 30, 2020

Snarling Head of Giant 40,000-yr-old Wolf Found with Hair and Brain Intact

Posted by in category: neuroscience

An amazingly well-preserved head of an ancient wolf has been identified. A Russian man named Pavel Efimov was out for a walk last summer when he came across a startling sight. Along the shore of the Tirekhtyakh River in Siberia’s Yakutia, he spotted a huge severed animal head. On closer inspection, it looked like it could be a wolf–with a full head of hair. Its long sharp teeth were intact, making the beast look as if it were still snarling.

The scientists that Efimov carried the head to ran many tests and have just concluded that it was indeed a wolf and estimated the animal was about 40,000 years old. The head alone measured a whopping 16 inches in length. And, yes, the brain was intact.

Continue reading “Snarling Head of Giant 40,000-yr-old Wolf Found with Hair and Brain Intact” »

Aug 30, 2020

A photo of Venus taking by Akatsuki

Posted by in category: space

Aug 30, 2020

Mad At Gravity

Posted by in category: energy

Click on photo to start video.

This is how a rocket consumes fuel!

Aug 30, 2020

The Teen With The Bionic Arms

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, transhumanism

A teenager with bionic arms is showing the world it’s ‘cool to be different’ ✨.

Aug 30, 2020

Black hole ‘hair’ could be detected using ripples in space-time

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics

Black holes are celestial objects with such massive gravity that not even light can escape their clutches once it crosses the event horizon, or point-of-no-return. The event horizons of black holes lock secrets deep within them — secrets that could completely revolutionize our understanding of physics.

Unfortunately, for decades many scientists thought whatever information falls into a black hole might be lost forever. But new research suggests that ripples in space-time, or gravitational waves may carry a faint whisper of this hidden information by revealing the presence of wispy “hairs” on a black hole’s surface.

Hair may record the information swallowed by the gravitational monsters.

Aug 30, 2020

An asteroid the size of a high-rise will fly near Earth on September 1

Posted by in categories: asteroid/comet impacts, existential risks

It is reported that the dimensions of the celestial body are from 22 to 49 meters. According to the space agency, at the minimum distance to the planet – about 120 thousand kilometers – the asteroid will come up at 19.12 Moscow time. The asteroid is moving at 8.16 kilometers per second.

Note that the celestial body was discovered on March 2, 2011. It belongs to the group of “Apollo”, that is, asteroids, whose flight paths cross the Earth’s orbit.

Aug 30, 2020

As the Pandemic Drags on, More People Are Smoking More Weed

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Dealers are struggling to keep up, and particularly in Australia.