Within a few years, any task that previously required hands to perform could be partially or fully automated away.
Mazda sports coupe that looks like the 2015 RX Vision Concept from the Tokyo Motor Show revealed in patent filings.
The aircraft, evocatively called Skydweller and built by a U.S.-Spanish aerospace firm Skydweller Aero, could help the Navy keep a watchful eye on the surrounding seas while escorting ships months at a time or act as a communications relay platform. The company was awarded a $5 million contract by the U.S. Navy to develop the aircraft.
To stay airborne for so long, the pilotless craft would have 2900sq ft of solar cells on its wings.
Some mutations that disable SCN2A, one of the genes most strongly linked to autism, can unexpectedly make neurons hyperexcitable, a study in mice shows. The findings may help explain why a sizeable proportion of autistic children with mutations in SCN2A experience epileptic seizures.
Deleterious mutations in an autism-associated gene can make neurons hyperexcitable, raising the risk of epileptic seizures.
SENS founder Aubrey de Grey expects senescence-targeting sector will see Phase 3 trials within “a couple of years”.
Accelerating norway towards a low-carbon economy — bjørn kjærand haugland, co-founder and CEO, skift.
Bjørn Haugland is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of SKIFT Business Climate Leaders (https://www.skiftnorge.no/english), a Norwegian business-led climate initiative with a mission to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy and support the government in delivering on its national climate commitments by 2030. The coalition hopes to demonstrate, to businesses and the government, the business potential that exists in the low-carbon economy and help drive the transition.
Mr. Haugland is the former Executive Vice President and the Chief Sustainability Officer in DNV GL Group where he oversaw the groups sustainability performance and drove company-wide sustainability initiatives.