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Aug 14, 2020

“Supergiant” new species of isopod discovered in the deep ocean

Posted by in category: futurism

All kinds of fascinating discoveries are likely lying in wait for us in the deep sea. Now scientists have pulled a new monster out of the waters off the coast of Indonesia. The creature is a new species of “supergiant” isopod, a huge marine relative of the common pillbug.

The discovery was made during the South Java Deep Sea Biodiversity Expedition 2018 (SJADES 2018). At depths between 950 and 1,260 m (3,115 and 4,135 ft), the team found two specimens of giant isopods that were soon determined to belong to a new species.

Named Bathynomus raksasa, the holotype, or physical specimen that serves as the basis for the description and name of the new species, is a male that was measured to be 36.3 cm (14.3 in) long, which puts it among the largest giant isopods ever found. The second specimen was a female measuring 29.8 cm (11.7 in). Along with being bigger on average, the team noted other differences when compared to the closest known species, Bathynomus giganteus, including smoother “skin” and different body proportions and shapes.

Aug 14, 2020

These glasses let blind people walk freely

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Join and follow AI Sciences.

Aug 14, 2020

Antibody drug lowers risk of death in elderly COVID-19 patients: Cuban study

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, neuroscience

The 19 hospitalized patients from a single nursing home had tested positive for the virus in April.

All were older than age 64 and had chronic health conditions such as hypertension, dementia, heart disease, diabetes and lung diseases. Their age and health issues are considered risk factors for severe COVID-19.

The patients received either one or two intravenous doses of itolizumab along with the standard treatments used in Cuba at the time. Those included antiviral drugs, antibiotics, chloroquine, interferon, and blood thinners. Only two patients required oxygen therapy after the first dose, and all but one were discharged from the hospital in 14 days.

N”(Reuters) — An antibody drug already being used against the coronavirus in Cuba decreased the risk of intensive care admission and death among nursing home residents with moderate COVID-19, according to a small study conducted in the island nation.

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Aug 14, 2020

Chinese Hackers Have Pillaged Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry

Posted by in category: computing

A campaign called Operation Skeleton Key has stolen source code, software development kits, chip designs, and more.

Aug 14, 2020

Cybercriminals Infiltrate Netgear Routers with Ancient Attack Methods

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, internet

It would be heartening to think that cybersecurity has advanced since the 1990s, but some things never change. Vulnerabilities that some of us first saw in 1996 are still with us.

If you don’t believe me, just take a look at the news. Last month, Virginia-based cybersecurity firm GRIMM announced that they had found a vulnerability that affects many Netgear home WiFi routers. The cause? Outdated firmware that allows remote users to access the administrative systems in these routers.

If you think this exploit sounds like a 1990s-standard input overflow flaw, well done. That’s exactly what it is. As Nichols put it in his very detailed blog post: “1996 called, they want their vulnerability back.”

Aug 14, 2020

Exponential scaling of frictional forces in cells

Posted by in categories: biological, chemistry

AMOLF researchers have presented a theory that describes the friction between biological filaments that are crosslinked by proteins. Surprisingly, their theory predicts that the friction force scales highly nonlinearly with the number of crosslinkers. The authors believe that cells use this scaling not only to stabilize cellular structures, but also to control their size. The new findings are important for the understanding of the dynamics of cellular structures such as the mitotic spindle, which pulls chromosomes apart during cell division.

Motor proteins versus frictional forces

Many consist of long filaments that are crosslinked by motor proteins and non-motor proteins (see figure). These so-called cytoskeletal structures not only give cells their mechanical stability, but also enable them to crawl over surfaces and to pull chromosome apart during . Force generation is typically attributed to motor proteins, which, using chemical fuel, can move the filaments with respect to one another. However, these motor forces are opposed by frictional forces that are generated by passive, non–. These frictional forces are a central determinant of the mechanical properties of cytoskeletal structures, and they limit the speed and efficiency with which these structures are formed. Moreover, they can even be vital for their stability, because if the motor forces are not opposed by the forces generated by the passive crosslinkers, the structures can even fall apart.

Aug 14, 2020

Tor and anonymous browsing – just how safe is it?

Posted by in category: privacy

An article published on the open-to-allcomers blogging site Medium earlier this week has made for some scary headlines.

Written as an independent research piece by an author going only by nusenu, the story is headlined:

Aug 14, 2020

Tesla (TSLA) surges as investors get in before Battery Day announcements

Posted by in category: sustainability

Tesla’s stock (TSLA) is surging 18% over the last few days as investors are getting in just before Battery Day and the important announcements that it will bring. On Wednesday, Tesla announced a 5 for 1 stock split that sent the stock price surging.

Despite stock splits not actually changing the value of a company, they have been known to increase stock prices temporarily as people anticipate higher volume from small investors.

Aug 14, 2020

Ice Age Fossils Discovered in Carson City

Posted by in category: futurism

Steve Rowland, paleontologist and professor of Geology at UNLV, discusses the Ice Age fossils recently extracted from Carson City, at the Las Vegas Natural History Museum in Las Vegas on Thursday, Aug. 13, 2020.

August 14, 2020 — 5:22 pm August 14, 2020 — 9:07 pm.

Aug 14, 2020

Google can now read grocery labels for the blind

Posted by in categories: education, food, robotics/AI

Ogba Educational Clinic promoting tech in Africa.

An update to Google’s blindness assistance app adds AI image recognition for food shopping.