Startups in Germany, China, Israel, and elsewhere are following the path blazed by GPT-3—with local twists.
You’re working from home. Your colleagues are too. Facebook wants to bring you together — sort of — with virtual reality. The company is launching “Horizon Workrooms,” a VR app aimed at reinventing virtual office spaces.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg demonstrated the product Thursday in an exclusive interview with “CBS This Morning” co-host Gayle King. Both Zuckerberg and King wore headsets for what Zuckerberg said was his first interview in VR.
Zuckerberg said that as far back as middle school, he thought about how to create an immersive system where people could feel like they were together playing games or exploring – part of something called the “metaverse.”
Using data from the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, NASA has updated its predictions about the Bennu asteroid impacting Earth.
China says its spacecraft has more advanced technology.
While the future of the nearly 23-year-old International Space Station remains uncertain after 2,024 China says its newly equipped Tiangong station will be up and running by next year. WSJ unpacks the design and technology of both space stations. Photo: CCTV; NASA
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Electrification is slower in coming to naval design, but CentrostileDesign is already imagining the luxury boat of tomorrow. It is fully electric, incredibly fast, completely sustainable and very dramatic.
Introduction to Biochemistry
Posted in biotech/medical, chemistry
#Biology #biochemistry #Biochemist #biotech #bio
This video explains introduction to biochemistry.
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Three reasons why it falls short.
Isaac Newton invented physics as we know it. And one of the ways he did so was that he formalized the initial condition problem into calculus — the mathematics of change.
A Razer Synapse zero-day vulnerability has been disclosed on Twitter, allowing you to gain Windows admin privileges simply by plugging in a Razer mouse or keyboard.
Razer is a very popular computer peripherals manufacturer known for its gaming mouses and keyboards.
When plugging in a Razer device into Windows 10 or Windows 11 the operating system will automatically download and begin installing the Razer Synapse software on the computer. Razer Synapse is software that allows users to configure their hardware devices, set up macros, or map buttons.
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For some, it’s easier to burn money than to coordinate and fund public goods. As a confessed humanist, that’s massively disappointing to me. This fundamental shift would have been tremendous support for research and development and innovation that maximizes community benefit and the thriving (rather than survival) of more transparent nonprofits. Developments in this space would make unbelievable strides forward for Ethereum and broader society.
The building blocks are here for humans to coordinate and reward those who create a lasting impact. NFTs, DAOs and retroactive public funding make it easier to put humanity first. We’re at a monumental moment for pro-social organizations, where public goods like ending world hunger, championing human rights and economic empowerment can be designed for the long run.