New technique delivers resolution improvement in ultrafast processes.
An international consortium of scientists, initiated by Reinhard Kienberger, Professor of Laser and X-ray Physics at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), several years ago, has made significant measurements in the femtosecond range at the U.S. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC).
However, on these minuscule timescales, it is extremely difficult to synchronize the X-ray pulse that sparks a reaction in the sample on the one hand and the laser pulse which ‘observes’ it on the other. This problem is called timing jitter, and it is a major hurdle in ongoing efforts to perform time-resolved experiments at XFELs with ever-shorter resolution.
Elon Musk has warned humanity many times about the dangers of superhuman AI. He thinks the advent of digital superintelligence will bring about profound changes to human civilization. Elon Musk thinks the technological singularity could either be super beneficial or it could be terrible for our society. Elon said that no one knows for sure the impact superhuman AI will have on our world but that one thing is for certain: We will not be able to control it. He thinks artificial intelligence will be used as a weapon and warns that the lack of AI regulation could mean it’s already too late for humanity.
Elon Musk now has adopted a “fatalistic” attitude towards the AI control problem because he feels that nothing is being done to try to mitigate the negative effects of future AI systems.
The reasonable concern about a possible extinction level event from digital Superintelligence stems from the period of time in which Narrow AI achieves artificial general intelligence. Where presumably in this time frame we can do something to stack the odds in our favor.
Today, right now, with our seemingly endless desire for better, faster and cheaper technology, we are collectively contributing in building future AI systems. Whether we are aware of it or not. As Elon Musk put it: We are the biological bootloader for AI.
ESA’s Rosalind Franklin twin rover on Earth has drilled down and extracted samples 1.7 meters into the ground – much deeper than any other Martian rover has ever attempted.
The successful collection of soil from a hard stone and its delivery to the laboratory inside the rover marks a promising milestone for the ExoMars 2022 mission.
SpaceX successfully sent four space tourists on a three day joyride around the Earth inside its Crew Dragon spacecraft last week — and the mission has sent demand soaring, according to the company.
“The amount of people who are approaching us through our sales and marketing portals has actually increased significantly,” the company’s senior director of human spaceflight programs Benji Reed revealed during Saturday’s press conference, as quoted by Ars Technica. “There’s tons of interest rolling in now.”
Even more excitingly, Reed says that the company’s much, much bigger spacecraft Starship may also be destined to launch tourists, a massive upgrade that could allow significantly more passengers to embark on an extremely expensive trip to space.
China has already largely moved away from coin and paper currency; Chinese consumers have racked up more than $41 trillion in mobile transactions, according to a recent research paper from the Brookings Institution, with the lion’s share (92%) going through digital payment processors WeChat Pay and Alipay.
“The reason you could say the U.S. is behind in the digital currency race is I don’t think the U.S. is aware there is a race,” Yaya Fanusie, an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, and a former CIA analyst, tells TIME in an interview. “A lot of policymakers are looking at it and concerned…but even with that I just don’t think there’s this sense of urgency because the risk from China is not an immediate threat.”
No other life form on our planet has infiltrated every environment as successfully as the minuscule single cells of bacteria. Amongst their manyroles in life on Earth, it turns out some of these microbes are also experts at purifying precious metals.
An international team of researchers has figured out how one metal-gobbling bacterium, Cupriavidus metallidurans, manages to ingest toxic metallic compounds and still thrive, producing tiny gold nuggets as a side-effect.
Just like many other elements, gold can move through what’s known as a biogeochemical cycle — being dissolved, shifted around, and eventually re-concentrated in Earth’s sediment.