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A very good illustration.

Experiments with dummy heads and masks. Credit: TU Wien

Tiny droplets loaded with viruses disappear more slowly after exhalation than previous models suggested. Experiments and simulations by TU Wien (Vienna) can now explain this.

It is easier to get infected in winter than in summer — this is true for the Corona pandemic, for influenza, and for other viral diseases. Relative humidity plays an important role in this. Outdoors, it is much higher outside in winter than in summer, as can be seen from the fact that our breath condenses into droplets in the cold air.

A number of recent studies have homed in on compelling associations between mental health and the microbiome. These insights into strange gut-brain connections have found links between depression and certain species of gut bacteria, and one study even found symptoms of schizophrenia could be transferred from mouse to mouse via fecal transplants.

But are these microbiome perturbations unique to specific psychiatric conditions, or is there a more common gut bacteria signature shared amongst several conditions?

Some types of restricted and repetitive behaviors become more prevalent among autistic children and teenagers over time, depending on their age and intellectual ability, whereas others decrease, two new studies show.

The results lend fresh support to the argument that restricted and repetitive behaviors — a core diagnostic trait that includes repetitive movements, insistence on sameness, sensory sensitivities and restricted interests — are too diverse to be lumped together.

“This is a complex behavioral domain that comprises several different subdomains that likely have different causes and might respond to different treatments,” says Mirko Uljarević, senior research fellow at the University of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia, who led one of the studies.

Skycharge, developed by Green Motion and Pipistrel, has recently been approved by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) as the world’s first OEM-independent electric aircraft charging station.

Pipistrel’s Velis Electro aircraft had already become the first electric aircraft to receive a type certificate from EASA in June last year. The approval of Skycharge is another important milestone on the way to environmentally sustainable aviation.

Skycharge is based on Eaton’s proprietary DC charging technology. The charging infrastructure for electric aircraft and eVTOL (electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing) aircraft offers exceptional conversion efficiency (over 96%), compactness and power density.

The only place in the Universe where we know life exists is on Earth. However, with billions of other star systems in the universe, it may not be the best place for life. In a new study, astronomers modeled the potential for life on other watery planets and discovered some conditions that can create oceans that are optimal for habitability.

The model suggests that watery planets with dense atmospheres, continents, and long days — planets that rotate slowly — were the most suitable for life. These conditions increase ocean circulation, which brings nutrients from the depths to the surface, where they can be used by organisms.

“[The research] shows us that conditions on some exoplanets with favorable ocean circulation patterns could be better suited to support life that is more abundant or more active than life on Earth,” Stephanie Olson, a University of Chicago researcher who lead the new study, said in a press release.

No one can stay awake forever. While we’re awake, our need for sleep gradually increases. If we deprive ourselves of sleep, our brain functions – such as attention or judgement – are impaired, and sleep becomes irresistible. No matter whether we are on a couch or at work – if we ignore our need for sleep, we ultimately crash.

Although sleep is vital, until now it hasn’t been known which structure of the brain tells us when we are tired. But our recent study has shown in laboratory mice that the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for the most complex brain functions – including perception, language, thought and episodic memory – helps us track our need for sleep.