Quantum computing is an alternative computing paradigm that exploits the principles of quantum mechanics to enable intrinsic and massive parallelism in computation. This potential quantum advantage could have significant implications for the design of future computational intelligence systems, where the increasing availability of data will necessitate ever-increasing computational power. However, in the current NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) era, quantum computers face limitations in qubit quality, coherence, and gate fidelity. Computational intelligence can play a crucial role in optimizing and mitigating these limitations by enhancing error correction, guiding quantum circuit design, and developing hybrid classical-quantum algorithms that maximize the performance of NISQ devices. This webinar aims to explore the intersection of quantum computing and computational intelligence, focusing on efficient strategies for using NISQ-era devices in the design of quantum-based computational intelligence systems.
Speaker Biography:
Prof. Giovanni Acampora is a Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing at the Department of Physics “Ettore Pancini,” University of Naples Federico II, Italy. He earned his M.Sc. (cum laude) and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Salerno. His research focuses on computational intelligence and quantum computing. He is Chair of the IEEE-SA 1855 Working Group, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Quantum Machine Intelligence. Acampora has received multiple awards, including the IEEE-SA Emerging Technology Award, IBM Quantum Experience Award and Fujitsu Quantum Challenge Award for his contributions to computational intelligence and quantum AI.