A phenomenal new image captured with the Dark Energy Camera shows a near-Earth galaxy with a hidden supermassive black hole.
Jeff Falk 713−348−6775 [email protected]
Jade Boyd 713−348−6778 [email protected]
HOUSTON – (Sept. 1 2021) – Rice physicists have confirmed the topological origins of magnons, magnetic features they discovered three years ago in a 2D material that could prove useful for encoding information in the spins of electrons.
Circa 2020
Efforts to study black holes in the lab with versions that trap sound instead of light may have revealed a key prediction made by Stephen Hawking.
Gamma photons used in positron emission tomography are predicted to be produced in an entangled state. Here, the authors simulate the effects of entanglement and test them through comparison with experimental data from a PET demonstrator apparatus, showing the potential gains in background suppression.
Have you missed the SR Academy Webinar with Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute?
Here you can watch the complete video, including the discussion after the lecture:
A beautiful excursus on the mission, activities and goals of Search for Extra Terrestrial Intellogence, directly from the source!
Seth Shostak is currently the senior astronomer for the SETI Institute. Shostak hosts SETI’s weekly radio show/podcast Big Picture Science, has played himself numerous times in TV and internet film dramas, and has acted in several science fiction films.
Circa 1991 😀
An Australian company has launched an erasable computer memory chip that retains data when its power source is switched off. The chip could revolutionise the design of computers and other electronic devices by doing away with the bulky magnetic disc memories that are currently used to store data permanently.
Current computers rely on a selection of memory devices. These include chips known as read-only memories or ROMs that store preprogrammed data without power but cannot be erased, and instantly erasable chips that require constant power, known as random-access memory or RAMs. To store more data and programs when the power is off, most computers use magnetics discs.
The new chip is known as a ferroelectric random-access memory or FRAM. If it proves as successful as its developer, Ramtron, claims, it could replace all other types of data storage.
The Moon’s lack of atmosphere and darkness could offers unique observations of the universe.
Quantum computers in regular logical computers.
Quantum teleportation and quantum error correction play crucial roles in fault-tolerant quantum computing. Here, we implemented error-correctable quantum teleportation to manipulate a logical qubit and observed the protection of quantum information. Our work presents a useful technology for scalable quantum computing and can serve as a quantum simulator for holographic quantum gravity.
Quantum error correction is an essential tool for reliably performing tasks for processing quantum information on a large scale. However, integration into quantum circuits to achieve these tasks is problematic when one realizes that nontransverse operations, which are essential for universal quantum computation, lead to the spread of errors. Quantum gate teleportation has been proposed as an elegant solution for this. Here, one replaces these fragile, nontransverse inline gates with the generation of specific, highly entangled offline resource states that can be teleported into the circuit to implement the nontransverse gate. As the first important step, we create a maximally entangled state between a physical and an error-correctable logical qubit and use it as a teleportation resource. We then demonstrate the teleportation of quantum information encoded on the physical qubit into the error-corrected logical qubit with fidelities up to 0.786.